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Asteroide 2003 XJ-7 paso cerca de la tierra el 6de Dic 2003. - Versión para impresión

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Asteroide 2003 XJ-7 paso cerca de la tierra el 6de Dic 2003. - rodo - 12-10-2003

Mitch Battros of ECTV reports that Near Earth Asteroid 2003 XJ-7 passed between Earth and the moon yesterday, coming as close to the Earth as 93,000 miles (150,000 kilometers) at 11 a.m. Pacific/ 2 p.m. Eastern. The asteroid's diameter is 108 feet (33 meters).

2003 XJ-7 was not picked up by the LINEAR minor-planet survey in Socorro, New Mexico, until yesterday. Battros says, "Some 19 hours later, amateur astronomer Peter Birtwhistle of West Berkshire, England, re-imaged it with his 12-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Because 2003 XJ-7 could be potentially hazardous to Earth at some future approach, refining knowledge of its orbit is urgent." Birtwhistle has posted an animated GIF on his website: ... histle.gif

[Imagen: Asteroid120603.jpg]
Near Earth Asteroid "2003 XJ7" photographed
(in front of white arrow) on December 6, 2003, by Peter Birtwhistle,
amateur astronomer, West Berkshire, England, using 12-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.

mas info:

- Vicco - 12-10-2003

Confusedhock: OOOHhhh! lástima que en la foto no se aprecie mucho que digamos...

- Homero - 12-10-2003

Pero en la animacion si, me pregunto desde donde tomaron esa filmacion y foto, parece muy distante de la Tierra, lo cual me hace dudar.

- Vicco - 12-10-2003

:oops: hehehe no había visto que el gif era animado Tongue ahi si se nota...

- Erubiel - 12-10-2003

yo no lo vi Sad, pero en la imagen si se aprecia que pasó un poco cerca :o