Tezuka Productions, Shibuya Productions and Caribara Animation this morning officially announced plans for a television reboot of Astro Boy, the beloved robot created by manga and anime legend Osamu Tezuka. Shibuya had teased the announcement on Sunday with the release of a poster.
Variety reports the series, which will consist of 26 half-hour episodes, will target viewers ages 8 to 12 with a mix of 2D and CG animation. Astro Boy will boast contemporary designs in a present-day setting, and will feature of mix of old and new characters and elements. Tezuka Productions is also collaborating with Yomiuri TV Enterprises on Little Astro Boy, a series of five- to -seven minute “edutainment” shorts geared to pre-schoolers.
26 episodios de Astroboy para chicos de 8 a 12 años.... no se porque me parece que tendrá un diseño parecido a Las Chicas Superpoderosas.... me llaman la atención los miniepisodios educativos....
Pfff que buen arte!!!, en lo personal me agrada mucho, y sobre la animación, siento que no esta del toda fluida pero que bien se ve con ese diseño de arte!