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Looney Tunes: Golden Collection 2
Aunque es muy prematuro todavía, Leonard Maltin (que de alguna manera ha estado involucrado) comentó que este set traerá cortos más viejos que los del primer set (anteriores a 1950), es decir, tendremos oportunidad de ver cortos del maestro Tex Avery, y (ojalá) algunos cortos de la segunda guerra mundial.

La mayoría de los coleccionistas nos quejamos del hecho de que el set 1 traía demasiado Chuck Jones :? , que aunque son geniales también queremos ver un poco de los cortos mas "surrealistas" de los años 40.

En cuanto haya más información se las haré saber :wink:
[Imagen: cnbanner2.jpg]
Bugs Bunny con guantes amarillos??
Noticias frescas...

De acuerdo a Jerry Beck, hay 2 novedades con respecto a la colección de Looney Tunes:

1.- WB tiene restaurado suficientes cortos para este set y para varios de los próximos años (el proceso de restauración es lo más tardado)

2.- WB quizás tenga planeado empezar a sacar 2 o más sets por año a partir del 2006 (recordemos que son más de 1000 cortos de los looney tunes, así que si sacaran 1 por año nos tardaríamos cerca de 18 años para tenerlos todos)
[Imagen: cnbanner2.jpg]
Noticias acerca del contenido del Volumen 2 de LT:GC!!!!

Aunque viene de una fuente no oficial, se supone que incluirá los siguientes cortos:

Cita:"Hare-Brained Hypnotist" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1942)
"Little Red Riding Rabbit" (Bugs Bunny - 1944)
"Stage Door Cartoon" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1944)
"Hare Conditioned" (Bugs Bunny - 1945)
"Rhapsody Rabbit" (Bugs Bunny - 1946)
"The Big Snooze" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1946)
"Slick Hare" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1947)
"Bugs Bunny Rides Again" (Bugs Bunny/Yosemite Sam - 1948)
"Gorilla My Dreams" (Bugs Bunny/Gruesome Gorilla - 1948)
"Bunny Hugged" (Bugs Bunny - 1951)
"French Rarebit" (Bugs Bunny/Louis and Francois - 1951)
"Baby Buggy Bunny" (Bugs Bunny/Baby-Faced Finster - 1954)
"Hyde And Hare" (Bugs Bunny - 1955)
"Broom-Stick Bunny" (Bugs Bunny/Witch Hazel - 1956)
"What's Opera, Doc?" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1957)
"Beep Beep" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1952)
"Going! Going! Gosh!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1952)
"Zipping Along" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1953)
"Stop! Look! and Hasten!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1954)
"Guided Muscle" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1955)
"Ready.. Set.. Zoom!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1955)
"Gee Whiz-z-z-z!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1956)
"There They Go-Go-Go!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1956)
"Scrambled Aches" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1957)
"Zoom And Bored" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1957)
"Whoa, Be-Gone!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1958)
"Porky In Wackyland" (Porky Pig - 1938)
"Old Glory" (Porky Pig - 1939)
"Book Revue" (Daffy Duck - 1946)
"Show Biz Bugs" (Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck - 1957)
"Kitty Kornered" (Porky/Sylvester - 1946)
"Tweety Pie" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1947)
"Back Alley Op-Roar" (Elmer Fudd/Sylvester - 1948)
"Bad Ol' Putty Tat" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1949)
"All a Bir-r-r-rd" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1950)
"Room And Bird" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1951)
"Tweet Tweet Tweety" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1951)
"A Bird In A Guilty Cage" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1952)
"Ain't She Tweet" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1952)
"Gift Wrapped" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1952)
"Snow Business" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1953)
"You Ought to Be in Pictures" (Daffy/Porky - 1940)
"Duck Soup To Nuts" (Daffy/Porky - 1944)
"Baby Bottleneck" (Daffy/Porky - 1946)
"The Great Piggy Bank Robbery" (Daffy Duck as "Duck Twacy" - 1946)
"I Love To Singa" ("Owl" Jolson - 1936)
"Have You Got Any Castles?" (1938)
"Katnip Kollege" (Johnny Cat - 1938)
"Hollywood Steps Out" (1941)
"The Heckling Hare" (Bugs Bunny/Willoughby - 1941)
"Tortoise Beats Hare" (Bugs Bunny/Cecil Turtle - 1941)
"The Dover Boys at Pimento University or 'The Rivals of Roquefort Hall'" (1942)
"The Hep Cat" (Hep Cat - 1942)
"Corny Concerto" (Doc and Champ - 1943)
"Rabbit Transit" (Bugs Bunny/Cecil Turtle - 1947)
"Mouse Wreckers" (Hubie and Bertie/Claude Cat - 1948)
"Bear For Punishment" (Henry, Ma, & Junyer Bear - 1951)
"Cheese Chasers" (Hubie and Bertie - 1951)
"One Froggy Evening" (Michigan J. Frog - 1955)
and "Three Little Bops" (1957).
[Imagen: cnbanner2.jpg]
El Photo-Shop ataca de nuevo!!!

La portada de LT:GC Vol. 2

[Imagen: looneytunesgoldenv2dvd.jpg]
[Imagen: cnbanner2.jpg]
We have some terrific new info that you've all been waiting for: THE EXTRAS! Warner Home Video will soon make a general announcement for the second volume, and these extras will be listed:

Commentaries on more than 30 Cartoons
9 Behind the Tunes Featurettes
2 Documentaries
50th-Anniversary "Bugs Bunny Tribute" Show
"The Adventures of the Road Runner" 1962 TV Pilot
"From The Vaults" Bonus Cartoon Rareties
New 2004 Short "Daffy Duck for President"
Music-Only Tracks, Bridging Sequences, Audio Recording Sessions
As we know from our last news item, one of the two documentaries listed is about Bob Clampett. Clampett's work is certainly represented on this set, both as animator and as director, in shorts such as "I Love to Singa", "Porky in Wackyland", and "A Corny Concerto".

Speaking of that, we need to make a correction about that list of shorts we originally published: one of the titles listed was "Corny Concerto" (Doc and Champ - 1943) . The year listed, 1943, was correct. And the title we gave was close: "A Corny Concerto", starring Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig and Elmer Fudd, is the proper way this ought to have been listed. When looking up details, I confused it with a similarly-named Walter Lantz Productions cartoon - starring "Doc" and "Champ" - from 1962. The '43 Bugs/Porky/Elmer cartoon is a classic, though: this is the one where Bugs and Porky dance ballets to Johann Strauss' Vienna Woods and Blue Danube, after introductions by "host" Elmer Fudd (who struggles with his tuxedo). It is widely considered to be a parody of Disney's 1940 film, Fantasia. I regret the error in my previous listing, and we have corrected it there today. Our thanks to sharp-eyed reader Mark Colangelo for alerting us to it!

Specs are full-frame, of course, with Mono sound and subtitles in English, French, and Spanish. It's also closed captioned for the hearing impaired. Here's the cover art for The Looney Toons - Golden Collection Volume 2, which arrives November 2nd at a price of $64.92 SRP for 60 cartoons in around 7 hours:
[Imagen: LooneyTunes_GCv2.jpg]

But that's NOT all, folks! There is a second Looney Tunes release that same day. For the fans who don't want every cartoon, but just the best-loved ones. For the fans who don't want to pay for the extras, just "Gimme the Bugs!" Warner is also releasing The Looney Tunes - Spotlight Collection Volume 2 on November 2nd. Sporting no extras and only 2 DVDs (30 cartoons for 220 minutes), this release sells for the cut-rate price of just $26.99 SRP. Which you can see, just by looking at this cover art for it:
[Imagen: LooneyTunes_SCv2.jpg]

Specs on Spotlight Collection 2 are the same: Full-frame video, Mono sound and subtitles in English, French, and Spanish, and closed captioned. The list of which cartoons are included on this set hasn't been released yet, but we'll let you know when we find out. Stay tuned!
"Don Pablone" Esparza IS BACK
Santiago, Chile
"Mis DVD"
"Tu futuro no esta escrito. Tu futuro es como tú lo haces, así que haganse uno bueno..." (Emmett Brown)
a mi ya estos packs no me entusiasman tanto, nomas de recordar el horrible doblaje nuevo me dan nauseas, y para mi no tiene caso verlos en ingles porque no es lo que yo recuerdo Sad
A mi no me importa tanto el doblaje nuevo... lo que sí me gustaría sería que en R4 lanzaran un empaque más bonito, ya que la verdad a mí no me agrado pero nadita (sin embargo es una lata no tener subtitulados los extras en el R1)
[Imagen: cnbanner2.jpg]
Ya se publicaron las caracteristicas técnicas de este set, y parece que traera audio en español (excelente, ya que a mi no me agradó para nada el empaque del vol. 1 en R4)

Cita:Looney Tunes: Golden Collection Volume 2
Street Date: 11/2/04
MSRP: $64.92
Media Quantity: 4
Closed Captioning: Yes
Sound Track Language: English
Aspect Ratio: Original Aspect Ratio - 1.33, Standard [4:3 Transfer]
Subtitles: 1 English, 2 Francais, 3 Espanol
Sound Quality: Francais: Mono 1.0, English: Mono 1.0, Espanol: Mono 1.0

no creo que sea el doblaje original que todos conocemos, pero la verdad yo no me quejo Big Grin
[Imagen: cnbanner2.jpg]
Una lista aún no completa con los extras de este pack:


Our friends at TV Shows on scooped us yesterday with some new details on the LOONEY TUNES GOLDEN COLLECTION Volume 2. However, I must give our loyal Cartoon Brew readers an advantage - so here are some further details on the bonus materials to be included on V.2 (keep in mind that the following is NOT a complete list of bonus goodies - more to come!):

31 Audio Commentaries

1. The Big Snooze - Bill Melendez
2. Tortoise Beats Hare - Mike Barrier (with Dave Monahan)
3. Slick Hare - Mike Barrier (with Paul Julian)
4. Bugs Bunny Rides Again - Greg Ford
5. Gorilla My Dreams - Jerry Beck
6. The Heckling Hare - Greg Ford
7. Broomstick Bunny - June Foray
8. Beep Beep - Mike Barrier
9. Whoa Be Gone - Greg Ford
10. Stop, Look & Hasten - Greg Ford
11. The Dover Boys - Mike Barrier (with John McGrew)
12. Mouse Wreckers - Greg Ford (and Chuck Jones)
13. A Bear For Punishment - Mike Barrier (with Chuck Jones)
14. Tweetie Pie - Greg Ford (and Friz Freleng)
15. Ain't She Tweet - Greg Ford (and Chuck Jones)
16. Kitty Kornered - Mike Barrier (and Bob Clampett)
17. Baby Bottleneck - Michael Barrier (and Robert Clampett)
18. Old Glory - Jerry Beck & Martha Sigall
19. The Great Piggy Bank Robbery - John Kricfalusi
20. Porky In Wackyland - Mike Barrier (and Bob Clampett)
21. Book Revue - Mike Barrier (and Bob Clampett)
22. Corny Concerto - Mike Barrier (and Bob Clampett)
23. Hollywood Steps Out - Greg Ford
24. One Froggy Evening - Mike Barrier (with Chuck Jones & Mike Maltese)
25. What's Opera Doc? - Chuck Jones, Mike Maltese & Maurice Noble
26. What's Opera Doc? - Daniel Goldmark
27. Show Biz Bugs - Greg Ford (with Friz Freleng)
28. Rhapsody Rabbit - Daniel Goldmark
29. Back Alley Oproar - Greg Ford (and Friz Freleng)
30. The Three Little Bops - Jerry Beck & Stan Freberg
31. You Oughta Be In Pictures - Jerry Beck


1. A Conversation With Tex Avery (6 mins.)
2. Looney Tunes Go Hollywood (8 mins.)
3. Crash! Bang! Boom! The Wild Sounds of Treg Brown (10 mins.)
4. The Man From Wackyland: The Art Of Bob Clampett (20 mins.)
5. It Hopped One Night: A look at ONE FROGGY EVENING (6 minutes)
6. Wagnarian Wabbit: The Making Of "What's Opera Doc?" (8 mins.)

Music Scores

1. Hyde & Hare - Music
2. Baby Buggy Bunny - Music & Effects
3. Bunny Hugged - Music & Effects
4. Broomstick Bunny - Music & Effects
5. Guided Muscle - Music
6. Gee Whizzz - Music
7. There They Go-Go-Go - Music
8. Scrambled Aches - Music
9. Zoom & Bored - Music
10. A Bear For Punishment - Music & Effects
13. One Froggy Evening - Music
14. The Three Little Bops - a. Music Only b. Freberg vocals only
15. What's Opera Doc? - a. Music only & b. Blanc & Bryan vocals only

BONUS SHORTS will include, complete & uncut:

The restored ADVENTURES OF THE ROAD RUNNER featurette (pilot)
Another set of BUGS BUNNY SHOW bridgeing sequences!

And much more - including 60 uncut, remastered from the original negs Looney Tunes - including restored original titles on several cartoons including I LOVE TO SINGA, BABY BOTTLENECK, BOOK REVUE and BACK ALLEY OPROAR!

So remember to go out and vote for the LOONEY TUNES GOLDEN COLLECTION Volume 2 on November 2nd (it's also Election Day)!
"Don Pablone" Esparza IS BACK
Santiago, Chile
"Mis DVD"
"Tu futuro no esta escrito. Tu futuro es como tú lo haces, así que haganse uno bueno..." (Emmett Brown)
Más de este set... así es como se distribuirán los cortos en los 4 discos:

Cita:THE CARTOONS -- All shorts are restored from their original negatives!
Disc #1: Bugs Bunny
1. "Hare-Brained Hypnotist" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1942)
2. "Little Red Riding Rabbit" (Bugs Bunny - 1944)
3. "Stage Door Cartoon" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1944)
4. "Hare Conditioned" (Bugs Bunny - 1945)
5. "Rhapsody Rabbit" (Bugs Bunny - 1946)
6. "The Big Snooze" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1946)
7. "Slick Hare" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1947)
8. "Bugs Bunny Rides Again" (Bugs Bunny/Yosemite Sam - 1948)
9. "Gorilla My Dreams" (Bugs Bunny/Gruesome Gorilla - 1948)
10. "Bunny Hugged" (Bugs Bunny - 1951)
11. "French Rarebit" (Bugs Bunny/Louis and Francois - 1951)
12. "Baby Buggy Bunny" (Bugs Bunny/Baby-Faced Finster - 1954)
13. "Hyde And Hare" (Bugs Bunny - 1955)
14. "Broom-Stick Bunny" (Bugs Bunny/Witch Hazel - 1956)
15. "What's Opera, Doc?" (Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd - 1957)

Disc #2: Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote/Daffy and Porky
1. "Beep Beep" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1952)
2. "Going! Going! Gosh!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1952)
3. "Zipping Along" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1953)
4. "Stop! Look! and Hasten!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1954)
5. "Guided Muscle" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1955)
6. "Ready.. Set.. Zoom!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1955)
7. "Gee Whiz-z-z-z!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1956)
8. "There They Go-Go-Go!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1956)
9. "Scrambled Aches" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1957)
10. "Zoom And Bored" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1957)
11. "Whoa, Be-Gone!" (Road Runner/Coyote - 1958)
12. "Porky In Wackyland" (Porky Pig - 1938)
13. "Old Glory" (Porky Pig - 1939) - Restored End Title
14. "Book Revue" (Daffy Duck - 1946) - Original Title Restored
15. "Show Biz Bugs" (Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck - 1957)

Disc #3: Sylvester and Tweety/Daffy and Porky
1. "Kitty Kornered" (Porky/Sylvester - 1946)
2. "Tweetie Pie" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1947)
3. "Back Alley Op-Roar" (Elmer Fudd/Sylvester - 1948) - Original Title Restored
4. "Bad Ol' Putty Tat" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1949)
5. "All a Bir-r-r-rd" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1950)
6. "Room And Bird" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1951)
7. "Tweet Tweet Tweety" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1951)
8. "A Bird In A Guilty Cage" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1952)
9. "Ain't She Tweet" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1952)
10. "Gift Wrapped" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1952)
11. "Snow Business" (Sylvester/Tweety - 1953)
12. "You Ought to Be in Pictures" (Daffy/Porky - 1940)
13. "Duck Soup To Nuts" (Daffy/Porky - 1944)
14. "Baby Bottleneck" (Daffy/Porky - 1946) - Original Title Restored
15. "The Great Piggy Bank Robbery" (Daffy Duck as "Duck Twacy" - 1946)

Disc #4: All-Stars
1. "I Love To Singa" (Owl Jolson - 1936) - Original Title Restored
2. "Have You Got Any Castles?" (1938) - Restored Opening and Closing Sequences
3. "Katnip Kollege" (Johnny Cat - 1938)
4. "Hollywood Steps Out" (1941)
5. "The Heckling Hare" (Bugs Bunny/Willoughby - 1941)
6. "Tortoise Beats Hare" (Bugs Bunny/Cecil Turtle - 1941)
7. "The Dover Boys at Pimento University or 'The Rivals of Roquefort Hall'" (1942)
8. "The Hep Cat" (1942)
9. "Corny Concerto" (Elmer Fudd/Bugs Bunny/Porky Pig - 1943)
10. "Rabbit Transit" (Bugs Bunny/Cecil Turtle - 1947)
11. "Mouse Wreckers" (Hubie and Bertie/Claude Cat - 1948)
12. "Bear For Punishment" (Henry, Ma, & Junyer Bear - 1951)
13. "Cheese Chasers" (Hubie and Bertie - 1951)
14. "One Froggy Evening" (Michigan J. Frog - 1955)
15. "Three Little Bops" (1957)

Puse en negritas los cortos a los que hay que poner atención, ya que son grandes clásicos..

(a ver si alguien lo lee, porque pareciera que soy el único interesado en este set :cry: )
[Imagen: cnbanner2.jpg]
quita esa carita Arturo....

particularmente sabes que te considero mi sensei en ANIMACIÓN y si no tengo mucha participación es porque simplemente leo y releo cada post tuyo...... aún no tengo el primer box set, pero espero convencer a los futuros abuelos para que le regalen ambos para navidad al futuro nieto.... je,je... :wink: :wink: :wink:

por cierto... quiero más que nunca estos box set por tener la música aislada en algunos cortos.....

pues la verdad es, que si se ve muy muy interesante. Igual y le doy una checada, hay caricaturas que, como bien dice Arturo, son verdaderos clasicos.
Commentaries and Behind-The-Tunes Featurettes with Animators and Historians Profiling Specific Cartoons, Characters and Creators
Music, Music-and-Effects or Voice-Only Tracks on Selected Shorts
Bugs Bunny's Looney Tunes All-Star 50th Anniversary TV Special
The Adventures of the Road Runner TV Pilot
Brand-New Cartoon Daffy Duck For President
The Bugs Bunny Show: Bridging Sequences and Audio Recording Session Opening Sequences for 4 Looney Tunes TV Shows
From the Vaults Rarities

Video: Standard 1.33:1 Color
Standard 1.33:1 B&W

Audio: ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Mono [CC]
SPANISH: Dolby Digital Mono
FRENCH: Dolby Digital Mono

Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
[Imagen: 624174bh.jpg]
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Muy buena noticia lo del doblaje, lo malo es que no lo incluyeron en el primer pack.

Por cierto:

Alguien ha visto el primer pack de Región 4?

No me lo compré en su momento y ahora ya no lo encuentro.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.


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