10-14-2010, 02:19 AM
Para los q les gustan las series viejitas, totalmente inocentes y familiares, les recomiendo mucho q vean Ann of Green Gables, esta serie yo la vi hace muchos muchos anios hehehe! y la acabo de ver otra vez y en verdad q como extranio este tipo de series y no las porquerias q vemos hoy dia
en fin ojala les guste actualmente esta en 3 DVD les dejo el link de la wikipedia con mas informacion, las que yo vi son estas 3 de las demas q han hecho no se
pero tambien esta el libro si gustan ehehe!
1985: Anne of Green Gables - a highly acclaimed made for television (CBC) 4 hour television mini series, it was directed by Kevin Sullivan with Megan Follows as Anne.
1987: Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel, a sequel to the 1985 miniseries which aired on the Disney Channel as Anne of Avonlea: The Continuing Story of Anne of Green Gables.
2000: Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story was a television miniseries whose script was very loosely based upon the novels.

1985: Anne of Green Gables - a highly acclaimed made for television (CBC) 4 hour television mini series, it was directed by Kevin Sullivan with Megan Follows as Anne.
1987: Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel, a sequel to the 1985 miniseries which aired on the Disney Channel as Anne of Avonlea: The Continuing Story of Anne of Green Gables.
2000: Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story was a television miniseries whose script was very loosely based upon the novels.