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G3 Tour DVD and CD
Satriani, Vai and Malmsteen Rocks!!!!!!!!!

February 24, 2004 sees the release of the G3 Double CD and DVD. The double-live CD - "G3 Live: Rockin' In The Free World" was recorded at The Uptown Theater in Kansas City, MO on October 21, 2003 and the DVD - "G3 Live In Denver" was recorded at the Fillmore Auditorium in Denver, CO on October 20, 2003. Each features different songs and the DVD also includes a "Fretcam" feature, biographies, lighting plot diagrams, and more.

Imagen CD y DVD respectivamente
[Imagen: g303cd_DVD.jpg]

G3 - Live in Denver

Release Date : 02/24/2004
Label : EPIC


Satch Boogie
The Extremist
Starry Night
The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing
I Know You're Here
I'm the Hell Outta Here
Evil Eye
Baroque and Roll
Acoustic Guitar Solo
Far Beyond the Sun
Rockin' In The Free World
Little Wing
Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Play Concert Set List (see track listing)
Audio Select
Bonus Features

G3 Live: Rockin' in the Free World

Release Date : 02/24/2004
Label : EPIC


1 The Extremist
2 Crystal Planet
3 Always With Me, Always With You
4 Midnight
5 The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing
6 You're Here
7 Reaping
8 Whispering a Prayer
9 Blitzkrieg
10 Trilogy Suite Op. 5
11 Red House
12 Fugue
13 Finale


1 Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
2 Little Wing
3 Rockin' In The Free World


Cinescape, Imperator in Aeternum

Tengo una vaca lechera, no es una vaca cualquiera,
Me da leche condensada, hay que vaca tan salada,
Tolón, tolón, tolón, tolón
Ya también estoy esperando este DVD para agregarlo a mi colección, aunque me hubiera gustado más que hubiera sido del G3 anterior donde tocó John Petrucci, Yngwie no me termina de convencer a pesar de su virtuosismo.

<iframe marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="120" height="240" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src=""><MAP NAME="boxmap-p8"><AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="14, 200, 103, 207" HREF="" ><AREA COORDS="0,0,10000,10000" HREF="" ></MAP><img src="" width="120" height="240" border="0" usemap="#boxmap-p8" alt="Shop at"></iframe>
Eliseo Soto.
You just fucked with the wrong mexican!

[Imagen: 582658bh.jpg]
Cinescape, Imperator in Aeternum

Tengo una vaca lechera, no es una vaca cualquiera,
Me da leche condensada, hay que vaca tan salada,
Tolón, tolón, tolón, tolón
Asi es, a mi tambien me hubiera gustado mas con John Petrucci, sobre todo por que lo acompañaba mi idolazo Mike Portnoy.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.

En mixup a 165 varos
Cinescape, Imperator in Aeternum

Tengo una vaca lechera, no es una vaca cualquiera,
Me da leche condensada, hay que vaca tan salada,
Tolón, tolón, tolón, tolón

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