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EP3: Teaser Banner Revealed?
Wed, Oct 13, 04 10:17:41 PM EDT

We were sent this picture of what sure looks like a banner for Episode III. Is it legit? Here's a description to boot:
The banner is Anakin standing looking particularly evil in his dark Jedi robes. In the background are the tall walls of a Star Destroyer. The floors reflect the light of the walls. Around him is the silhouette or Darth Vader which fades into his Jedi outift. THE SAGA IS COMPLETE is printed across the top of the banner.
MAY 2005
EPISODE III ... banner.jpg

Our thoughts? It is way more inspiring than the AOTC banner. Definitely in the same family as Episode I. Sweet!

En opinión creo que si es real. Aunque no veo el micrologo de Lucas Film Ltd. ni el de la 20th Century Fox.
Yo tambien creo que es real y ademas me late bastante, supongo que es uno de esos banners que tienen 4 o 5 metros de largo que ponen ahora en los Cinepolis...
Saludos desde Guadalajara, Mexico
Alejandro Ramirez
Hmm pues es muy dificil determinarlo por la foto, pero de lejos si da el gatazo Smile y se ve dos tres... la idea es buena, per no me agrada mucho como se ve la silueta del casco sobre la cara de Anakin... la hace verse más chirris :?
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Esto NO es fake
[Imagen: firmatheodene37bq.gif]

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