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The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman r1
aqui la primera info sobre la salida de estas series.-
el hombre nuclear y la mujer bionica:

Six Million Dollar Man, The - Digital Bits report: Col. Steve Austin rebuilt on DVD in 2005!

Our good friends over at The Digital Bits had this great bit of "Bionic" news this morning. Here's a quote:

...At a special 25th anniversary screening last night at the American Cinematheque in Hollywood of the Buck Rogers in the 25th Century theatrical film, Universal Studios Home Entertainment VP of Marketing Robert Reed confirmed that both The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman are currently being prepared for DVD release in 2005. Figured you classic TV fans would like to hear that good news!

Wow! We knew about Bionic Woman, which appears to have been delayed to 2005 in spite of Universal's on-DVD trailers showing that it would be out in 2004. But info about the show it was spun off from has been sparse.

In our very first heads-up news last May about The Bionic Woman coming to DVD, we mentioned that there was a new big-budget film version of The Six Million Dollar Man - starring Jim Carrey, of all people! - was starting production in Fall 2004, with hopes to bring it to the theaters in 2005. We said at the time that we expected a rights issue with the original series to be worked out in time to tie in a release with the film's debut.

It looks like we predicted correctly, and it's good to know that, however this new film turns out, fans of the classic series will be able to enjoy the original Lee Majors version sometime within the next year or so. Our unending thanks to Bill Hunt and the rest of the staff at The Digital Bits've got me dancing around the room this morning with this terrific news!

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Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
No pues el pack de Six Million Dollar Man es de cajón para mí, aunque me imagino que a 30 años de distancia se ha de ver hasta chusca, por los efectos especiales de la epoca, solo pido subs en español.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.

De mis tipicas preguntas... cuantas temporadas fueron?
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Edmundo... una buena fuente para esa información es <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
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