Mensajes: 816
Temas: 81
Registro en: Feb 2003
Me encontré este artículo en <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> :
Time Europe has a nice interview with Sir Ian McKellen online in which he fires up the rumors about a "Hobbit"-prequel again. McKellen said: 'I want to play Gandalf again, in The Hobbit. I've asked Peter Jackson if he'll produce the prequel as a huge, yearlong television series. All those different strands to the story seem perfect for TV, and we'd do every scene of it. It could be marvelous.'
Ojalá se haga realidad este proyecto, sería fabuloso ver al dragón Smuag (creo que así se escribía ¿no?), volver a ver a Gollum, ahora jugando a los acertijos con Bilbo y finalmente la escena que le tengo más ganas es a la de los trolls que se vuelven piedra.... ojalá se haga realidad.
Mensajes: 4,990
Temas: 307
Registro en: Oct 2002
Sería muy padre ver la historia del Hobbit también, pero de llegarse a hacer yo creo que si tardaría un buen rato en hacerse, Peter Jackson tiene aún encima toda la post-producción de El Retorno del Rey y después de ver los extras de LOTR:EE te puedo asegurar que anda bastante atareado por estos dias.
La idea de que sea una serie de TV no se me hace tan buena por cuestiones de censura, presupuesto, tiempo, etc. Pero bien podría sorprendernos con algo novedoso.
Eliseo Soto.
You just fucked with the wrong mexican!
Mensajes: 723
Temas: 84
Registro en: Feb 2003
Yo tampoco estoy muy seguro de que sea una buena idea el hacerla para tv.
Yo esperaba ni bien tuvo éxito la primera peli que anuncien que seguirían con el Hobbit, pero para cine.
Aunque pensandolo friamente si usan el mismo truquito que uso Spielberg de aprovechar lo de Saving Private Ryang para hacer luego la excelente Band of Brothers, podría dar buenos resultados
Azrael is back
Rosario-Santa Fe - Argentina
Mis DVDs
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Pues sinceramente hablando, a mi no me gustaria que hicieran una serie de Television con El Hobbit, si hacen una pelicula vaya y pase.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 324
Temas: 153
Registro en: Feb 2003
Recordando lo exhibido de la trilogia ESA, que tiene un ritmo narrativo vertiginoso, el Hobbit para TV, carecería del mismo, amén de los decorados y la profundidad de los personajes. Por lo que mejor sería otro largometrage (con el dinero recaudado bien lo pueden hacer).
Ah, por cierto en ninguna de las dos películas exhibidas hasta la fecha Gullon a dicho su frase predilecta:
Mensajes: 8,939
Temas: 578
Registro en: Oct 2002
sotarriva escribió:Ah, por cierto en ninguna de las dos películas exhibidas hasta la fecha Gullon a dicho su frase predilecta:
¿QUE? claro que lo ha dicho, un montón de veces pues que versiones viste? ¿tal vez mutiladas, digo, dobladas al español? ¿salieron estas películas dobladas?
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Mensajes: 723
Temas: 84
Registro en: Feb 2003
Tal vez porque en los subtitulos ponían "Mi tesoro"?
Pero lo uso en ambas formas tanto con el significado de tesoro o como precioso.
Azrael is back
Rosario-Santa Fe - Argentina
Mis DVDs
Mensajes: 1,925
Temas: 43
Registro en: Dec 2002
Pues el mundo del señor de los anillos da para una serie, pero creo que la trama principal se resume en ese libro y las peliculas actuales, no creo que sería recomendable hacer una serie de tv. Una pelicula seria interesante...
Mensajes: 3,927
Temas: 159
Registro en: Mar 2003
Cita:It's Getting To Be a 'Hobbit'
Ian McKellen is predicting that the film-rights conflict between New Line Cinema on the one hand and MGM/UA on the other over J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit will be resolved. In an interview with Britain's Channel 4 Wednesday, McKellen said, "There is currently a situation where two companies own the rights [to The Hobbit], but when that's sorted out Peter [Jackson] and I will sit and talk it over. We've mentioned it recently and Peter is looking forward to getting it into production." (Jackson's next scheduled production is a remake of King Kong.) McKellen has previously recommended that Jackson turn The Hobbit into a long-running television series. It is a prequel to the Lord of Rings trilogy, describing how Bilbo Baggins originally acquired the ring.
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
yo tambien creo que deberia ser largometraje, simple y sencillamente por el bien de los efectos especiales, que en una serie de tv serian parecidos a los de una serie del canal Hallmark o algo asi, y la verdad, yo tambien quiero ver a Smaug, Gollum, Beorn y a Gwaihir como Dios manda
Mensajes: 1,792
Temas: 89
Registro en: May 2003
Pues seria muy interesante poder ver la precuela de ESDLA en la pantalla grande, aunque seria bueno que se apuraran porque Ian Holm ya no da para más  hock:
Y parafraseando cierta pelicula
Everything that has an end has a beginning
Mensajes: 8,939
Temas: 578
Registro en: Oct 2002
theoden escribió:aunque seria bueno que se apuraran porque Ian Holm ya no da para más...
¿Sir Ian McKellen? ¿Gandalf? Si, ya esta rucazo.
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Mensajes: 4,990
Temas: 307
Registro en: Oct 2002
No wey... Ian Holm, o sea Bilbo. No creo que pongan en el casting a Ian Holm a pesar de que se supone que Bilbo tenía 50 años cuando fue lo de el Hobbit. Van a tener que poner a un actor que aparente unos 25, también se supone que Frodo tenía 30 años pero aparentaba mucho menos.
Eliseo Soto.
You just fucked with the wrong mexican!
Mensajes: 3,927
Temas: 159
Registro en: Mar 2003
Mensajes: 8,939
Temas: 578
Registro en: Oct 2002
Ahh chinga, hehehe como he escuchado más preocupación por McKellen :oops:
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Mensajes: 1,792
Temas: 89
Registro en: May 2003
Vicco escribió:Ahh chinga, hehehe como he escuchado más preocupación por McKellen :oops:
Es que McKellen ha tomado la bandera de los fans y él se mantiene "pendiente" viendo que todo marche bien
Ademas, seria dificial para los fans(aqui me incluyo yo :wink: ) ver a otro actor como Gandalf.
Saludos hobbittses
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
OSCAR winning director Peter Jackson says it will be at least three years before he shoots The Lord of the Rings prequel, The Hobbit.
A slimmed-down Jackson, who arrived in Sydney yesterday, was asked today how long it would be before he started production on The Hobbit.
"Three or four years would be accurate, I would say," Jackson said.
The rights to J R R Tolkien's novel, The Hobbit, are split between two major Hollywood studios, MGM and New Line Cinema.
Jackson said he was keen to return to Middle Earth for The Hobbit but that MGM's sale to Sony Corporation made the project's future unclear.
"I think there is probably a will and a desire to try and get it made," he said.
"But I think it's gonna be a lot of lawyers sitting in a room trying to thrash out a deal before it will ever happen."
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
Un reporte espia de escribió:Hi all,
The BIG news has finally hit. A Ringer Spy who was recently in the New
York offices of New Line Cinema has reported that they clearly saw 'The
Hobbit' on the film schedule for 2007. Here's what the spy had to say:
"Please leave my email anonymous as I have some very exciting news to
report. I was in New Line's NY offices to discuss upcoming projects
when I clearly saw something very intriguing on a year planner. 'The Hobbit'
was clearly marked on what looked like July 2007. I couldn't exactly take a
moment to investigate the calendar with my audience in the room, but it
definitely said 'The Hobbit'. Lets hope this is a PJ project!"
Mensajes: 4,133
Temas: 205
Registro en: Apr 2004
:crazyeyes: Esperemos que el rumor sea cierto y más aún que PJ este en el proyecto :o :o  hock:  hock:  hocked!:  hocked!: :dagh: :dagh:
:reza: :reza:
Mensajes: 2,161
Temas: 110
Registro en: Mar 2005
Que asi sea :reza:
Tengo Ganas de ti, de tu aroma y de tu ser,
de tu sabor y de tu piel,
de sentirte y hacer,
aquello a lo que tu llamas placer.
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
Parecen confirmarse los rumores:
Cita:Source: Variety (via In a Variety article talking about MGM's move back into the tentpole business, the trade mentions a few highly-anticipated projects that are in the works:
Over the next few years, MGM is planning to release half a dozen films, some in the $150 million to $200 million-plus range. Studio is ready to unveil such high-profile projects as "Terminator 4"; one or two installments of "The Hobbit," which Sloan hopes will be directed by Peter Jackson; and a sequel to "The Thomas Crown Affair" with Pierce Brosnan.
It has already announced a "Pink Panther" sequel and the next 007 pic "Bond 22," due out in November 2008. "Rocky Balboa" unspools in February.
The pics are all franchises that MGM owns the rights to through its 4,000-title library. The goal is to release two or three tentpoles a year, all of which will be made with financial partners, including Wall Street money or other studios.
...Aunque me preocupa eso de "one or two installments"... Creo que con una basta.
Mensajes: 4,990
Temas: 307
Registro en: Oct 2002
Eric escribió:...Aunque me preocupa eso de "one or two installments"... Creo que con una basta. Tal vez quieren repetir la estrategia de tener una película por año y expectativas entre una y otra con los correspondientes lanzamientos en DVD.
Ahí mejor que quede al criterio de PJ como se maneja.
Eliseo Soto.
You just fucked with the wrong mexican!
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
Un par de entrevistas a PJ:,6115,1538494_1_0_,00.html
Algunos puntos resaltantes:
* Nadie lo ha llamado para hacer "El hobbit" (se entero del asunto igual que nosotros, por internet...) (pero le encantaria la idea de hacerlo, si se dan las condiciones, de hecho, ya tiene algunas ideas creativas).
* Por los 4 proximos años estara ocupado haciendo films mas pequeños.
* Sus rollos legales con New Line no tienen nada que ver con el Hobbit. De hecho, en las ultimas semanas han estado negociando con NL la posibilidad de un nuevo Boxset de LOTR en HD.
* Habla un poco sobre los demas proyectos que estan produciendo (Halo, Dam Busters, y otros).
Mensajes: 4,133
Temas: 205
Registro en: Apr 2004
Así mismo menciona también que le encantaria ser el que como todos compre su boleto y vea la visión de otro si el no es el director, y que el no ve a nadie más de Gandalf que a Sir Ian McKellen, pero dado que nadie lo ha contactado, las posibilidades de que el sea el director se reducen día a día por los proyectos que ya tienen para los próximos 4 años como bien comenta Eric.
Mensajes: 3,661
Temas: 128
Registro en: Dec 2002
"Whit money the dog dances"
Si le dan un buen billetuco seguramente podrá posponer un poco sus proyectos mini para los proximos 4 años, no perdamos las esperanzas.
Mensajes: 4,133
Temas: 205
Registro en: Apr 2004
0 ha dado la noticia que la petición en línea que se hizo, ha llevado a que MGM les responda que tienen a P.J. como la mejor opción para dirigir EL HOBBIT y que ya estan en contacto con sus representantes :o
La Petición On Line AQUÍ
La cita de
Cita:The Hobbit' Petition: MGM Speaks!
Xoanon @ 8:58 pm EST
Lith writes: Here is a report on the deliveries of The Hobbit Petition to MGM and New Line on September 22nd. The petition, with the 39116 signatures accumlutated at the time of printing, was delivered to the studios along with a copy of MrCere's open letter to the studios. Though we have had no feedback at this time from New Line, I did receive this very cordial email from Theo Dumont of MGM today, with full permission to pass it along. It should hearten fans a good bit.
"Dear organizers of The Hobbit Petition:
We would like to give you the official statement from MGM. Feel free to pass this along to your members and affiliated web sites. Thank you and please see below:
"Peter Jackson's phenomenal success with The Lord of the Rings trilogy makes him the first and most ideal choice for directing The Hobbit," said MGM. "MGM would be thrilled to collaborate with the Academy Award-winning director on this MGM New Line Cinema production. And, I'm sure to the delight of the 50,000 filmgoers who have petitioned us in recent weeks, demanding we bring this film to fruition, we have had a few initial conversations about the project with Mr. Jackson's representatives."
Best regards,
Theo Dumont
Manager of Public Relations
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc."
La cita sobre el mismo tema de
Cita:El Hobbit: MGM contacta con Peter Jackson
Asfalot - 11 de Octubre de 2006, a las 20:38 El Hobbit - Noticias Películas ::
La Metro Goldwyn Mayer ha contestado a los más de 50.000 fans que han presionado vía online para que Peter Jackson sea el director de El Hobbit y podemos leer el comunicado de Rick Sands en
"El éxito de Peter Jackson con la trilogía de El Señor de los Anillos lo coloca como la mejor opción para dirigir El Hobbit. MGM estaría encantada en colaborar con el director premiado por la Academia en esta producción de MGM y New Line Cinema. Seguro que para los 50000 cinéfilos que nos lo han pedido en las últimas semanas, demandándonos que hagámos esta película, es una alegría saber que hemos tenido unas conversaciones iniciales con los representantes del Señor Jackson".
La Carta abierta que mandaron :wink:
Cita:An open letter to New Line and MGM Re: The Hobbit!!!
Xoanon @ 2:29 pm EST
An open letter to New Line and MGM –
Dear movie studio friends –
Welcome to the party! We – meaning fans of The Hobbit – have been sitting around waiting for you to show up since the minute The Return of the King ended at our local cinema and for many, perhaps longer than that. We have virtual balloons, streamers, banners, fireworks and of course, beer all prepared. We have just been waiting for you to arrive.
Variety makes it sound like a The Hobbit movie is going to happen and maybe relatively soon and as you may have guessed, we are thrilled. The little leaked tidbit - hidden in an MGM business story - poked the still very potent coals of the Lord of the Rings fandom. The heat that rests within these embers will glow white-hot for a good long time because the fires of passion for the works of J.R.R. Tolkien have been inspiring readers (and movie-goers) since there was only one World War. This bit of news gives us a little fuel for the fire, so thanks!
It is difficult for a studio or individuals in a studio to understand the real passion that readers have for the literary works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Thanks to the vision of New Line Cinema and the work of Peter Jackson and his team, a whole new audience of impassioned fans was created. The films were adopted into popular culture to a degree not witnessed since the days when George Lucas shocked the world. We know you noticed this. You saw it at the box office; you saw it on MTV, at award shows, at the toy and poster aisles at Wal-Mart and everywhere else.
But you may not understand that we are far more than a gaggle of ear-wearing fanatics - as short-cut journalists often like to portray us. We are school teachers and we use Tolkien in the classroom. We are computer programmers and website developers. We work in Hollywood, we are opera singers, we are environmental scientists, we are students, we are accountants, we are readers; we are everybody and everything, but we are bound together by a love for the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
So while New Line and MGM hold the rights to make and distribute The Hobbit we feel that we own it too. It is our story too. For many of us it has been an old friend for decades now. Not only is it part of our childhood, it is part of our adolescence and our adulthood. So, take good care of our story and we know - from decades of experience and lots of readings - our story will take good care of you. If you trust it, so will its fans. Trust the story.
While it does come down to that ultimately, we have so much more to say to you here in the infancy of the film. Please listen.
And by the way, we know you better than you might think. We may not know the day-to-day realities of movie studio business in Hollywood (and like how to make sausage, we don’t want to know) but at the very least we have a sense, as consumers, of who you are. Few LOTR film-fans don’t have a soft spot for New Line Cinema. We know the story of Robert Shaye saying “Why only two films?” to Peter Jackson when the films’ ultimate fate hung in the balance. We remember well the perception in 2000 when ‘the fate of New Line’ hung in the balance, again according to those short-cut media types. We also know you are home to Freddy Kruger and we were tickled when your Snakes On A Plane was all the internet rage. New Line means something to us.
And MGM, old friend, we admire you as well. Your lion and towering presence in Hollywood’s history can’t be missed. We are also aware of the business of being bought and sold and we have even visited your theme parks and casinos. While fantasy films aren’t exactly your biggest staple, we surely are giving you the benefit of the doubt.
Let me be clear that I don’t presume to speak for all fans and I couldn’t with any authority because we never all got together and took a vote on anything but I think, from my frequent and quality interactions with many other fans, that I can speak in broad terms and represent a sizeable segment of fandom.
So first things first, would somebody please call Peter Jackson? Now! Today! New Line and PJ still have this sticky lawsuit left over from the LOTR films so we are a bit concerned. Jackson has made it very clear, over and over, even again this week, that he has not yet been invited to the table to have Hobbit discussions. Let the lawyers handle the lawsuit and please, please, get the creative folks together immediately. And by the way, when we say “Peter Jackson” we actually mean Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and Richard Taylor and even include conceptual artists Alan Lee and John Howe. Taylor and his Weta Workshop are the gold-standard in the effects industry these days and not just among LOTR fans. Did you see the visuals in King Kong? Actually, we know you did.
It was Taylor’s crew, empowered by Jackson, who made us believe so strongly that we did indeed see Middle-earth - the same one we read about - on the screen. Tolkien purist-scholars and critics of Jackson’s films can find fault, but can’t touch the images that felt like home to most of us. We realize “Jackson” comes as a package with Weta and Boyens and Walsh, but it is still is worth mentioning. We want the old gang back to make a film that feels like it fits right with the others. It should organically feel the same but you already know that, right?
Still, having said all that, The Hobbit isn’t The Lord of the Rings. Fans will not be looking for even bigger battles or another ‘even more epic’ quest. Resist the idea that there should be even more special special effects and if 100,000 orcs are grand then 200,000 is magnificent. For us, it is the character and heart that will lend this film magic and make it majestic. And while we are addressing characters, please don’t Disneyfy the dwarves. We want our Thorin Oakenshield brave and valiant (if a bit greedy) and we have had our fill of dwarf jokes. And don’t try to simplify the story by cutting a few out. For this story and this audience, that just will not fly.
It goes without saying that Sir Ian McKellen must return as Gandalf and our Gollum must be Andy Serkis, without a doubt. Casting for Elrond should also be finished and if I were producing I would ask Orlando Bloom to walk through the screen during the battle of five armies. Remember that Cate Blanchett and Martin Csokas sit on the White Counsel. In short, give us the Middle-earth, and its inhabitants, that we already know. Save the fresh perspectives and ‘new take on Tolkien’ for the 20 hour HBO mini-series called “The Silmarillion” or the inevitable and even welcome remake in ten years. Oh and don’t let us hear that you haven’t read The Quest of Erebor.
Just in case you wondered, ‘Star Power’ is a pointless exercise for this film so please doesn’t feel the need to drop a Tom Cruise into the cast. The only ‘name’ needed on the marquee is The Hobbit. (Although Clive Owen as Bard does sound brilliant!) Cast the perfect actors, not the perfect marketing strategy.
Another issue for fans is trust. We realize the whole internet-looking-into-films makes studios nervous, but don’t treat us like the enemy because we are anything but that. We are the best marketing tool you can hope to have and the only pay we require is some respect, trust and inclusion. Keep us informed and let us have a voice, even if you don’t agree or follow our suggestions. We don’t want to tell anybody how to make a film, but it might be wise to consider our opinions and take our counsel before some decisions are made. Consider us a collective advisor. We are the scouts that don’t need to know the battle plan, but who are uniquely positioned to report on the landscape. Treat our internet reporters as the legitimate news hounds they are and as we demonstrate our fairness and accuracy and ethics (and I don’t mean reporting-as-directed or pandering) give us the same access that you give traditional media. When media gather for a press junket we hope for the same invites, access and courtesy.
A final point: this ‘two movie’ phrase has us a little divided. Some see the possibility of the story being properly told over two films while others see the dangers of stretching a plot so thin that it gets distorted and padded. Again we ask you to trust the source and serve the story first, however that happens. If it takes two films to tell the story as well as it can be told, then we will enthusiastically support two films.
In short, trust Jackson, trust us and above all, trust the story.
Larry D. Curtis
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Mensajes: 3,773
Temas: 82
Registro en: Oct 2006
Peter Jackson no hará The Hobbit  , de acuerdo a ellos mismo (Peter y Fran) y por decisión de New Line. El reporte completo aquí:
Dooby dooby doo
Strangers in the Night by Frank Sinatra
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
0 escribió:Word from a reliable source indicates that Sam Raimi has been
approached to direct THE HOBBIT. Since Peter Jackson's (Middle-)earth shattering news
that he is off the project, it seems the Spider-Man director may step into
his place. Raimi was born on October 23rd, 1959 in Royal Oak, Michigan. His
first big hit was 'The Evil Dead' but he really gained cult status with
'Evil Dead II'. It is his amazing work on the Spider-Man series that
has propelled Raimi to the mainstream. His latest film 'Spider-Man 3' is
due out this May.
While there is no word on Raimi accepting the invitation, it remains to
be seen who, if anyone, will be replacing Peter Jackson!
Mensajes: 3,773
Temas: 82
Registro en: Oct 2006
Ahora Saul Zaentz, quien posee los derechos de estos libros así como Tolkien Enterprises, asegura que Peter Jackson sí dirigirá las 2 películas, una vez que los derechos regresen a su poder el año próximo.
Esto ya parece novela! :o (y de las buenas)
Dooby dooby doo
Strangers in the Night by Frank Sinatra
Mensajes: 4,133
Temas: 205
Registro en: Apr 2004
Pues si Saul Zaentz recupera los derechos, las posibilidades son muchas, ya que como bien se sabe el también demando a New Line y gano sus regalias, y sabiendo ya el trabajo de P.J. y las ganancias seguras que tendría tanto en cine como en formato de video, con ediciones de cine, extendidas o limitadas, sería lógico que optara por Jackson para hacer el film.
Será cuestión de esperar, y ver que pasa.