Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
A ver, a mis contemporaneos y a los mayorcitos...
Estoy bajando de internet mp3s con la intencion de armarme un cd de mp3s lleno de canciones de los 80s (en ingles).
No crean que soy muy fanatico de bajar musica de internet.. lo que pasa es que desde que se me ocurrio esta idea me obsesione con ella, y pues... ya llevo mas de 300 mb. Entre algunos que les puedo nombrar de los que ya tengo, pues gente desde Toto hasta Madonna pasando por M. Jackson, temas de peliculas como flashdance, etc.... y algunos menos conocidos e incluso algunos que solo pegaron una cancion. Tambien algunos temas que son emblemas de los estilos musicales de la epoca (como el breakdance).
Aquellos que puedan, recomiendenme algunos temas (nombrando titulo y grupo o cantante), a ver cuales se me han pasado de la lista que ya tengo...
OJO: no necesariamente "exitos"... siempre hay buenas canciones que marcaron la epoca y se recuerdan con cariño, y no necesariamente llegaron a los primeros lugares... Y que no sean de un solo genero... estoy tratando de que sea una coleccion lo mas heterogenea posible (no solo en lo estilistico sino en cuanto a calidad...). En fin, simplemente canciones que representen la epoca...
Mensajes: 7,095
Temas: 155
Registro en: Dec 2002
Uyyy, buen tema.
Yo tengo muy pocos MP3 de los 80's.
Tengo de Madonna, Michael Jackson como mencionas, y también tengo de:
The Outfield - Varias
Dire Straits - Money for nothing (ahhh que padrísima se escucha esta)
Starship - We build this city
Def Leppard - El disco completo de Hysteria
Sandra con su canción María Madgalena
Y así tengo algunos más por allí, que la verdad ya tiene un buen que no escucho.
Me gustaría que gente más conocedora de la música ochentera pusiera su lista, ya que yo a final de la década apenas tenía 15 años, y me gusta mucho la música ochentera.
Entrando al mundo HD
Mis DVD's Act. el 14/diciembre/2009.
Mi HT Act. el 07/jun/2006.
Mensajes: 4,990
Temas: 307
Registro en: Oct 2002
Lo que me viene primero a la mente:
Bangles - Walk like and egyptian, Eternal Flame
Toto - Hold the line
Wham - Wake me up before you go
George Michael - Faith, Careless Whisper
Tears for Fears - Everybody wants to rule the world, Shout
uhhh! pues seria una lista interminable, mejor trata de conseguir por ahí el listado de algún disco de hits ochenteros
Eliseo Soto.
You just fucked with the wrong mexican!
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
uyyy yo hice un cd de mp3 asi hace poco, (aunque yo puse un chingo en español) y estoy pensando seriamente en hacer una segunda parte, te paso la lista de los que tengo, igual tu (y los demás) podemos aportar mas rolas:
A quien le importa - Alaska y Dinarama
Abracadabra - Steve Miller Band
Acelerar - Timbiriche
Adicted to love - Robert Palmer
Africa - Toto
Agüita amarilla - Toreros muertos
All the love in the world - The Outfiled
Amante bandido - Miguel Bosé
Another one bites the dust - Queen
Bad - Michael Jackson
Baticumbia - Botellita de Jerez
Bazar - Flans
Beber de tu sangre - Los amantes de Lola
Bella - Mijares
Billy Jean - Michael Jackson
Blue monday - New order
Calendario de amor - Onda vaselina
Call me - Blondie
Cherry pie - Poison
China girl - David Bowie
Ciudad de la furia - Soda Stereo
Come on eileen - Dexy´s Midnight Runners
Come on feel the noise - Quiet riot
como te va mi amor - pandora
con todos menos conmigo - timbiriche
corre por el boulevard - flans
crazy little thing called love - queen
cruz de navajas - mecano
cuando seas grande - miguel mateos
da da da - trio
dame un beso - yuri
dancing with myself - Billy Idol
dead man´s party - oingo boingo
detras del amor - sasha
devuelveme a mi chica - hombres g
do you really want to hurt me - culture club
don´t worry, be happy - Bobby McFerrin
el ataque de las chicas cocodrilo - hombres g
el baile de los que sobran - los prisioneros
el mocrobito - fobia
electric avenue - eddie grant
en algun lugar - duncan duh
enjoy the silence - depeche mode
es ella mas que yo - yuri
es por amor - git
es tan facil romper un corazon - miguel mateos
estrechez de corazon - los prisioneros
eternal flame - bangles
eternamente bella - alejandra guzman
every breath you take - police
everything counts - depeche mode
eye of the tiger - rocky soundtrack
fight for your right to party - beastie boys
final countdown - europe
footloose - footloose theme
forever yyoung - alphaville
funkytown - lipps inc.
ghostbusters - Ray parker jr.
girls just wanna have fun - cindy lauper
gloria - laura branigan
hay que pesado - mecano
hey now, hey now - thompson twins
holiday - Madonna
how soon is now - the smiths
hungry like the wolf - duran duran
i just call to say I love you - steve wonder
I just can´t get enough - depeche mode
I love rock and roll - pat benatar
I´m so exited - flashdance
inspector gadget cartoon theme
into the groove - Madonna
Isabel - Luis Miguel
karma chameleon - culture club
la bamba - ritchie balens
la chispa adecuada - heroes del silencio
la fuerza del destino - mecano
la incondicional . luis miguel
la isla bonita - madonna
la muralla verde - enanitos verdes
la negra tomasa -caifanes
la plaga - alejandra guzman
land down under - men at work
las mil y una noches - flans
like a prayer - madonna
like a virgin - madonna
livin on a prayer - bon jovi
lobo hombre en paris - la union
locomotion - kylie minogue
love is a battlefield - pat benatar
lucha de gigantes - nacha pop
lucky star - madonna
maldito duende - heroes del silkencio
mamá - los amantes de lola
maniac - michael sembello
manic monday - bangles
maquillaje - mecano
marta tiene un marcapasos - hombres g
matenme porque me muero - caifanes
material girls - madonna
mexico - timbiriche
mickey - toni basil
mirame (cuestion de tiempo) - timbiriche
missing you - john waite
mujer contra mujer - mecano
musica ligera - soda stereo
my sharona - the knack
never ending story - limahl
never gonna give you up - rick astley
ni tu ni nadie - alaska y dinarama
niña de mis ojos - botellita de jerez
no controles - flans
no es serio este cementerio - mecano
no me extraña nada - sasha
oh mamá! - Pablito ruiz
open your heart - madonna
papa don´t preach - madonna
personal jesus - depeche mode
policy of truth - depeche mode
pump up the jam - Technotronic
que te pasa - yuri
quinceañera - timbriche
rebel yell - Billy Idol
relax - frankie goes to hollywood
rock me Amadeus - falco
romeo - donna summer
rosanna - toto
rozane - police
rueda mi mente - sasha
sacrifice - elton john
safety dance - men without hats
sailing - christopher cross
send me an angel - real life
she works hard for the money - pointer sisters
si no es ahora - timbiriche
si no te tengo a ti - hombres g
simpy irresistible - robert palmer
smooth criminal . michael jackson
soy un desastre - timbiriche
spin me round - gigi dÁgostino
step by step - new kids on the block
subete a mi moto - menudo
sueltate el pelo - hombres g
sweet dreams - eurythmics
tainted love - soft cell
take on me - aha
tan enamorados - ricardo montaner
tarzan boy - baltimora
te quiero - hombres g
teenage mutant ninja turtles theme
ten cuidado con el corazon - alejandra guzman
the heat is on - glen frey
the look of love - abc
the power of love - huey lewis and the news
thriller - michael jackson
thundercats theme
timido - flans
toda la vida - emmanuel
todo el amor del mundo - lucerito y luis miguel
total eclipse of the heart - bonnie tyler
tren al sur - los prisioneros
tu y yo somos uno mismo - timbiriche
un alma en pena - lucia mendez
veneno en la piel - radio futura
venus - bannanarama
wake me up before you go go - wham
walk like an egyptian - bangles
walk this way - aerosmith & run dmc
walking on sunshine - katrina & the waves
we are the world - varios
we´re not gonna take it - twisted sister
what a feeling - irene cara
whip it - devo
white wedding - billy idol
who can it be now - men at work
wind of change - scorpions
yes - owner of a lonely heart
you give love a bad name - bon jovi
you may think - cars
your love - the outfield
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
La verdad me dio hueva leer la lista de Fer, si se repite alguna pues ustedes perdonaran.
Hold the Line no es de los 80's, es de 1978, especificamente del primer album de Toto.
Ahi voy:
Voices Carry, 'Til Tuesday
Forever Young, Alphaville
Obsession, Animotion
Goody Two Shoes, Adam Ant
When I see You Smile, Bad English
In A Big Country, Big Country
What I Am, Edie Brickell & New Bohemians
Bette Davis Eyes, Kim Carnes
Drive, Cars
The Flame. Cheap Trick
Southern Croos, Crosby, Stills & Nash
Sailing, Christopher Cross
Don't Dream Is Over, Crowded House
C'mon Eileen, Dexys Midnight Runners
Life In A Nothern Town, Dream Academy
Save a Prayer, Duran Duran
Here Comes The Rain Again, Eurythmics
I.G.Y. , Donald Fagen
I Ran, Flock Of Seagulls
Relax, Frankie Goes To Hollywood
You Belong To The City, Glenn Frey
In Your Eyes, Peter Gabriel
Tenderness, General Public
Someday, Glass Tiger
Electric Avenue, Eddy Grant
Sunglasses at Night, Corey hart
I Can Dream About You, Dan Hartman
Boys Of Summer, Don Henley
Him, Rupert Holmes
Don't You Want Me, Human League
Great Southern Land, Icehouse
Birds Fly (Whisper to a Scream), Icicle Works
Breaking Us In Two, Joe Jackson
I Love Rock-n-Roll, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
New Song, Howard Jones
Too Shy, Kajagoogoo
Breakup Song, Grag Kihn Band
Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Cindy Lauper
The Heart Of Rock & Roll, Huey Lewis & The News.
Sausalito Summer Nights, Diesel
So Alive, Love and Rockets
So You Ran, Orion The Hunter.
Mañana te pongo de la M en adelante, en lo que le doy una revisada a mi colección.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 926
Temas: 36
Registro en: Oct 2003
Uta, hay bastantes rolas. Yo en aquellos tiempo veia MTV y Hit Video USA como verdadero enajenado, y grababa todo en caseetes (directo de la parabolica) o en VHS.
Pues yo voy a poner algunas, un poco menos populares para no estar repitiendo canciones:
* 38 special- back where you belong
* benjamin orr- stay the night (ex guitarrista de the cars, y ya fallecido. Su unico hit. Me acorde de el por el miembro de este foro que se puso Ben Orr)
* Buckner & garcia- pac man fever
* Champaign- try again
* Cheap trick- It's only love
* Christopher Cross- Think of laura
* David Bowie & Pat Metheny- This is not america
* Gary Myrick- When angels kiss
* GTR- When the heart rules the mind
* Hooters- And we dance
* Jermaine Stewart- We don't have to take our clothes off
* Kenny Loggins & Steve Perry- Don't fight it ----Homero, no te acuerdas de esta rola!!!
* Murray Head- One night in Bangkok
* Nik Kershaw- Wouldn't it be good
* Ready for the world- Digital display
* Stephen Bishop- It might be you (de la pelicula Tootsie)
* The System- Baptize the beat
Homero, pusiste a Crosby, Still & Nash
con Southern Cross...casi nadie se acuerda de esa rola. A mi me encanta...que va, me fascina!!!!!!!!!
En fin, hay tantas y tantas. Puse de varios generos ahi para que le vayas tanteando. Ahi mañana les pongo otros.
Saludos desde Guadalara, Jal. Mexico
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
Uy, que buenas respuestas, gracias a todos.
Eliseo, eso justamente ya lo hice.. he investigado en muchas paginas de los 80s pero la mayoria tienen listas de "exitos" o sea las mas vendidas... y no me interesan solo las mas vendidas.. tambien me interesan algunas que aunque no sean muy conocidas, representen bien la epoca.
Como dijo Homero, Hold the line es de los 70s. (Yo tambien cometi ese error... la baje y luego investigando me di cuenta de que era del 78... jeje, la tengo apartada para cuando haga un cd de los 70s. :roll: )
Por otro lado, entre las que ya tengo, tambien hay algunas que quiza no sean del gusto de la mayoria (quiza al ver algunas mas de uno diga "puaaaj!" :puke: ), y que ademas estas muy lejos de ser "exitasos", pero que para mi personalmente significan algo porque me recuerdan algun momento de mi niñez/adolescencia. Aqui les paso la lista de las que llevo hasta ahora: (sin ningun orden particular)
* Owner of a lonely heart (yes)
* Careless Whisper (wham)
* Rossana (toto)
* Africa (toto)
* Kalimba de Luna (tony esposito)
* Hey Mickey (toni Basil)
* Close to me (the cure)
* Twilight world (swing out sisters)
* Karma Chamaleon (culture club)
* Paradise (sade)
* De dododo de dadada (police)
* I'm coming up (diana ross)
* Luka (suzanne vega)
* Eye of the tiger (survivor)
* I still haven't found what I'm looking for (u2)
* Mr. Roboto (styx)
* I just called to say I love you (stevie wonder)
* True (spandau ballet)
* Say say say (p. mccartney & m. jackson)
* Your love is king (sade)
* Somebody's watching me (rockwell & m. jackson)
* Who wants to live forever (queen)
* Major Tom (peter schilling)
* Glory of love (peter cetera)
* Take my breath away (berlin)
* The man (p. mccartney & m. jackson)
* 99 red balloons (Nena)
* One night in Bangkok (Murray head)
* Can you feel it (the jacksons)
* Thriller (m. jackson)
* Billie Jean (m. jackson)
* Safety dance (men without hats)
* Crazy for you (madonna)
* Total eclipse of the heart (bonnie taylor)
* All night long (l. ritchie)
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
* Rockit/breakdance theme (herbie hancock)
* Hello (l. ritchie)
* Self control (laura branigan)
* Gloria (laura branigan)
* Bette davis eyes (Kim carnes)
* Walking on sunshine (katrina & the waves)
* Up where we belong (j. cocker & jennifer warnes)
* What a feeling (irene cara)
* Fame (irene cara)
* Hurts to be in love (gino vanelli)
* She's a maniac (flashdance soundtrack)
* Words (F R Davis)
* Endless love (l. ritchie & diana ross)
* Walk of life (dire straits)
* Money for nothing (dire straits)
* True colors (cindy lauper)
* Sailing (christopher cross)
* Arthur's theme (christopher cross)
* I feel for you (chaka khan)
* Time of my life (b. medley & jennifer warrens)
* Private idaho (B-52)
* Big in japan (alphaville)
* Lost in love (air supply)
* Even the nights are better (air supply)
* All out of love (air supply)
* Take on me (aha)
* every little thing she does is magic (police)
* English man in new york (sting)
* Ghostbusters (r.p. junior)
* Living inside myself (gino vanelli)
* La bamba (los lobos)
* Like a virgin (madonna)
* Moonlighting theme (all jarreau)
* I need you tonight (inxs)
* Do what you do (jermaine jackson)
* We are the world (usa for africa)
* Notorius (duran duran)
* A view to a kill (duran duran)
* Do you really want to hurt me (culture club)
* There's no stopping us (ollie & jerry)
* Eternal flame (bangles)
* Some like it hot (power station)
* Celebration (kool & the gang)
* Neutron dance (pointer sisters)
* with or without you (u2)
* Wake me up before you gogo (wham)
* It's a miracle (culture club)
* Woman (john lennon)
* walk like an egyptian (bangles)
* Hard to say I'm sorry (chicago)
* Tarzan boy (baltimora)
* Smooth operator (sade)
* You can leave your hat on (j. cocker)
Ufff! ya esta.. todo esto me suma 367 MB.
Claro que faltan muchas.. pero voy poco a poco...
Ah! si encuentran algun error en esta lista avisenme... :oops:
Mensajes: 1,870
Temas: 31
Registro en: Feb 2004
de una ojeada veo que te faltan rolas fundamentales para entender el fenómeno pop de los ochentas.
Por ejemplo:
Don't you (Forget about me), Simple minds
I see the lights, Simple Minds
The Voice, Audiovox
Beds are Burning, Midnight Oil
I run, A flock of seaguls
Heartbreaker, Pat Benatar
Harden my heart, Quarterflash
Woman in chain, Tears for Fears
Alive & Kicking, Simple Minds
Dont' stop believing, Journey
Separate ways (worlds apart) Journey
Hungry like a wolf, Duran Duran
Jack & Diane, John Cougar mellenkamp
Crumblin down, John Cougar Mellenkamp
Open Arms, Journey
The twilight zone, Rush
Abacab, Genesis
Parissiene walkaways, gary Moore,
Empty rooms, Gary Moore
Cellulloid heroes, The Kinks
Rock'n roll Fantasy, The Kinks
Urgent, Foreigner
Jukebox Hero, FOreigner
Waiting for a girl like you
Hysteria, Deff Leppard
Rock of Ages, Deff Leppard
Bad, U2
Undercover of the night, Rolling Stones
Rossana, Toto
Cuts you up, Peter Murphy
Unchain My Heart, Joe Cocker
When the nights come, Joe Cocker
Who can it be now, men at Work
Eye in the Sky, Alan Parsons Project
Hurts so good, John Cougar Mellenkamp
I've seen hat face before (Libertango), Grace Jones
Find another fool, Quarterflash
Etc, etc,
Luego me acuerdo de más :wink:
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
Jorge E. López H. escribió:Eric:
de una ojeada veo que te faltan rolas fundamentales para entender el fenómeno pop de los ochentas.
Rossana, Toto La de Rossana ya esta en mi lista.
Bueno, como dije antes, ya se que faltan muchas importantes, pero voy poco a poco... faltan casi 200 mb.... y me faltan muchas imprescindibles que estan en mi lista de 'pendientes', como de Van halen, George Michael, entre otros... pero voy poco a poco... la idea es que me nombren algunas que no sean tan obvias para ver si se me pasa alguna...
Varias de las que me nombras estan ya en mi lista de 'pendientes'.. :wink:
Mensajes: 1,761
Temas: 37
Registro en: Jan 2003
Uta, que buen tema... para mi, la mejor musica de la historia sale de los 80s (y otras mas de los 70s). Ahi te van de mi coleccion algunos que te faltan:
AHA - Sun always shines on TV
Al Corley - Square rooms
Asia - Heat of the moment
Asia - Only time will tell (Basica !!!)
Bananarama - Cruel summer
Bananarama - Venus
Billy Joel - Uptown girl
Billy Joel - It's still rock and roll to me
Billy Joel - We didn't start the fire
Erasure - A little respect
Falco - Jenny
Fine young canibals - She drives me crazy (y nadie la habia puesto ???)
Harold Faltermayer - Axel F
Information Society - Pure energy
INXS - Never tear us apart
INXS - Suicide blonde
Kenny Loggins - Footloose
Kenny Loggins - I'm allright
Kiss - I was made for loving you
Kiss - Rock and roll all nite
Level 42 - Lessons in love
Level 42 - Something about you
Lobo - I'd like you to want me
London Beat - I've been thinking about you
Madness - Our house
Morrissey - Suedehead (bueniiiiiiisima !!!)
Motley Crue - Dr Feelgood
Opus - Life is life (must have...)
Paul Simon - Yo can call me Al
Pet Shop Boys - Always on my mind
Pet Shop Boys - It's a sin
Pet Shop Boys - Suburbia
Pet Shop Boys - West end girls
Pet Shop Boys - Where the streets have no name
Phil Collins - Another day in paradise
Phil Collins - Sussudio
Prince - Purple rain
Prince - Where doves cry
Q Lazzarus - Goodbye horses (del silencio de los inocentes)
Quiet Riot - Mama we're all crazy now
Quiet Riot - Metal health
Richard Marx - Right here waiting
Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up
Starship - Nothing's gonna stop us now
Steve Perry - Oh Sherry
Suzanne Vega - Tom's diner
Taco - Puttin' on the Ritz
Talking Heads - Burning down the house
The Beloved - Sweet harmony (imprescindible...)
The Cure - Fascination street
The Cure - Killing an arab
The Cure - Pictures of me
Thompson Twins - Hold me now
Tina Turner - Private dancer
Tina Turner - What's love got to do with it
Tone Loc - Funky Cold Medina
Tracy Chapman - Fast car
Tracy Chapman - Sorry
Twisted Sister - I wanna rock
U2 - Desire
U2 - Sunday bloody sunday
U2 - Where the streets have no name
UB40 - Red red wine
Van Halen - Jump
Van Halen - Panama
War - Low rider
Utaaaaaa, que buenos recuerdos !!!! :grin:
Saludos desde Guadalajara, Mexico
Alejandro Ramirez
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
Gracias Lex, muchas de las que pones ahi ya las tengo en mi lista de pendientes porque son imprescindibles (la de footlose la tengo ahorita esperando en emule) y algunas ni me acordaba de ellas :wink: .
Aunque creo que hay algunas que pusiste que son de los 90s, como la de she drives me crazy (1990)... corrijanme si me equivoco.
Mmm.. la de another day in paradise pensaba que era de los 90s pero ahora que reviso es de noviembre del 89.
Mensajes: 1,761
Temas: 37
Registro en: Jan 2003
Cierto, de hecho deje de poner un monton de rolas porque son o de 1979 o de 1990 o 1991 pero que las relaciono muchisimo con los 80s porque sonaban cuando estaba en la secundaria... incluso muchas de tiempo atras que sonaron mucho de regreso en los 80s como la de Bob Seger - Old Time Rock N' Roll que sono cuando la pelicula de Tom Cruise... 8)
Lo malo es que no encuentro una pagina estilo IMDB donde pueda buscar y ver datos y fechas de todos los CDs o canciones. Amazon no tiene tanta informacion en ese respecto... Alguien sabe de alguna ??? :?
Actualmente quiero hacerme de un IPOD de 20GB para meter todos mis MP3 y practicamente tambien los 200 CDs de musica que tenemos entre mi mujer y yo... nos encanta pura musica de esos tiempos, tambien de los 90s y algo mas de los 70s y 60s pero mas poco :wink:
Saludos desde Guadalajara, Mexico
Alejandro Ramirez
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
En esta pagina pueden ver los top 100 hits (o sea las mas 'populares') de la decada de los 80s año por año (denle en los links de cada año para ver los detalles).
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
yo tango una recopilacion de varios cd's que se llama : Totally 80's
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Y luego mi Rodo?
Que canciones trae?
Eso es lo que nos interesa.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
las checo en mi casa y se las pongo el fin de semana, vale muchisimo la pena esa recopilacion, yo la compre en usa y esta super, luego les pongo los detalles de que canciones traen.
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 371
Temas: 16
Registro en: Apr 2004
Mensajes: 2,805
Temas: 126
Registro en: Nov 2003
Uta, son un resto de canciones, yo tengo tambien 2 cd's de mp3 de los 80 y tambien cd's de los 90 , son tantas las caciones que ya pusieron que me da hueva leerlas todas con detalle pero aqui te pongo algunas que no se si ya pusieron.
Bobby McFerrin - Don't worry be happy.
Buggles - Video Killed Radio Star.
Joan Jett - i love rock n' roll.
Soft Cell - Tainted Love.
Wang Chung - everybody have fun tonight
Whitesnake - Here i go again on my own.
Stacy Q - Two Of hearts.
Modern English - i melt with you.
Divinyls - i touch myself.
Bobby brown - on our own
Rupert holmes - escape ( the piña colada song)
Tears for fears - Everybody wants to rule the world
Rick springfield - jessie's girl
Mensajes: 1,711
Temas: 53
Registro en: Nov 2003
1. "When Doves Cry".....Prince
2. "What's Love Got To Do With It".....Tina Turner
3. "Jump".....Van Halen
4. "Karma Chameleon".....Culture Club
5. "Like A Virgin".....Madonna
6."Hello".....Lionel Richie
7. "Owner Of A Lonely Heart".....Yes
8. "Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)".....Phil Collins
9. "Footloose".....Kenny Loggins
10. "Ghostbusters".....Ray Parker, Jr.
11. "I Just Called To Say I Love You".....Stevie Wonder
12. "Out Of Touch".....Daryl Hall & John Oates
13. "Say Say Say," Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson
14. "I Feel For You".....Chaka Khan
15. "Missing You".....John Waite
16. "Let's Hear It For The Boy".....Deniece Williams
17. "Time After Time".....Cyndi Lauper
18. "The Reflex".....Duran Duran
19. "Dancing In The Dark".....Bruce Springsteen
20. "Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Run)".....Billy Ocean
21. "Talking In Your Sleep".....The Romantics
22. "Hard Habit To Break".....Chicago
23. "Let's Go Crazy".....Prince & The Revolution
24. "Self Control".....Laura Branigan
25. "The Wild Boys".....Duran Duran
26. "Hold Me Now".....Thompson Twins
27. "Jump (For My Love)".....Pointer Sisters
28. ""Joanna".....Kool & The Gang
29. "Break My Stride".....Matthew Wilder
30. "The Glamorous Life".....Sheila E
31. "Somebody's Watching Me".....Rockwell
32. "Running With The Night".....Lionel Richie
33. "Penny Lover".....Lionel Richie
34. "That's All!".....Genesis
35. "Stuck On You".....Lionel Richie
36. "She Bop".....Cyndi Lauper
37. "Oh Sherrie".....Steve Perry
38. "99 Luftballons".....Nena
39. "Drive".....The Cars
40. "Here Comes The Rain Again".....Eurythmics
41. "I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues".....Elton John
42. "Twist Of Fate".....Olivia Newton-John
43. "The Heart of Rock & Roll".....Huey Lewis & The News
44. "Automatic".....Pointer Sisters
45. "Girls Just Want To Have Fun".....Cyndi Lauper
46. "No More Lonely Nights".....Paul McCartney
47. "Infatuation".....Rod Stewart
48. "Better Be Good To Me".....Tina Turner
49. "Sunglasses At Night".....Corey Hart
50. "I Can Dream About You".....Dan Hartman
51. "Sister Christian".....Night Ranger
52. "Borderline".....Madonna
53. "Purple Rain".....Prince & The Revolution
54. "Eyes Without A Face".....Billy Idol
55. "State Of Shock".....The Jacksons
56. "The Warrior".....Scandal w/ Patty Smyth
57. "All Through The Night".....Cyndi Lauper
58. "I Want A New Drug".....Huey Lewis & The News
59. "If This Is It".....Huey Lewis & The News
60. "Miss Me Blind".....Culture Club
61. "Sad Songs (Say So Much)".....Elton John
62. "Lucky Star".....Madonna
63. "Almost Paradise".....Mike Reno & Ann Wilson
64. "Cover Me".....Bruce Springsteen
65. "Legs".....ZZ Top
66. "Strut".....Sheena Easton
67. "If Ever You're In My Arms Again".....Peabo Bryson
68. "I Can't Hold Back".....Survivor
69. "To All The Girls I've Loved Before"...Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
70. "Love Somebody".....Rick Springfield
71. "You Might Think".....The Cars
72. "Adult Education".....Daryl Hall & John Oates
73. "Breakdance".....Irene Cara
74. "They Don't Know".....Tracey Ullman
75. "I'm So Excited".....Pointer Sisters
76. "Got A Hold On Me".....Fleetwood Mac
77. "Pink Houses".....John Cougar Mellencamp
78. "Thriller".....Michael Jackson
79. "Nobody Told Me".....John Lennon
80. "Let The Music Play".....Shannon
81. "Wrapped Around Your Finger".....The Police
82. "Head Over Heels".....The Go-Gos
83. "Cruel Summer".....Bananarama
84. "Think Of Laura".....Christopher Cross
85. "Magic".....The Cars
86. "Breakin'...There's No Stoppin' Us".....Ollie & Jerry
87. "New Moon On Monday".....Duran Duran
88. "Lights Out".....Peter Wolf
89. "Round And Round".....Ratt
90. "The Longest Time".....Billy Joel
91. "The Language Of Love".....Dan Fogelberg
92. "I Still Can't Get Over Loving You".....Ray Parker, Jr.
93. "Dancing In The Streets".....Shalamar
94. "On The Dark Side".....John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band
95. "Read 'Em And Weep".....Barry Manilow
96. "Blue Jean".....David Bowie
97. "Desert Moon".....Dennis DeYoung
98. "Doctor! Doctor!".....Thompson Twins
99. "An Innocent Man".....Billy Joel
100. "Some Guys Have All The Luck".....Rod Stewart
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Mensajes: 1,711
Temas: 53
Registro en: Nov 2003
1. "Careless Whisper".....Wham!
2. "Say You, Say Me".....Lionel Richie
3. "Separate Lives".....Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin
4. "I Want To Know What Love Is".....Foreigner
5. "Money For Nothing".....Dire Straits
6. "We Are The World".....USA for Africa
7. "Broken Wings".....Mr. Mister
8. "Everybody Wants To Rule The World".....Tears for Fears
9. "The Power Of Love".....Huey Lewis & The News
10. "We Built This City".....Starship
11. "St. Elmo's Fire".....John Parr
12. "Can't Fight This Feeling".....REO Speedwagon
13. "Crazy For You".....Madonna
14. "Easy Lover".....Phillip Bailey & Phil Collins
15. "Everytime You Go Away".....Paul Young
16. "Don't You (Forget About Me):.....Simple Minds
17. "Take On Me".....a-ha
18. "Party All The Time".....Eddie Murphy
19. "Everything She Wants".....Wham!
20. "Shout".....Tears for Fears
21. "Alive and Kicking".....Simple Minds
22. "I Miss You".....Klymaxx
23. "Sea Of Love".....Honeydrippers
24. "Cool It Now".....New Edition
25. "Part-Time Lover".....Stevie Wonder
26. "Saving All My Love For You".....Whitney Houston
27. "Sussudio".....Phil Collins
28. "Oh Sheila".....Ready for the World"
29. "A View To A Kill".....Duran Duran
30. "One More Night".....Phil Collins
31. "Cherish".....Kool & The Gang
32. "Heaven".....Bryan Adams
33. "The Heat Is On".....Glenn Frey
34. "Raspberry Beret".....Prince & The Revolution
35. "You're The Inspiration".....Chicago
36. "If You Love Somebody Set Them Free".....Sting
37. "Miami Vice Theme".....Jan Hammer
38. "Freeway Of Love".....Aretha Franklin
39. "Don't Lose My Number".....Phil Collins
40. "Never".....Heart
41. "Things Can Only Get Better".....Howard Jones
42. "The Boys Of Summer".....Don Henley
43. "Rhythm Of The Night".....DeBarge
44. "We Don't Need Another Hero".....Tina Turner
45. "We Belong".....Pat Benatar
46. "Loverboy".....Billy Ocean
47. "All I Need".....Jack Wagner
48. "One Night In Bangkok".....Murray Head
49. "Never Surrender".....Corey Hart
50. "Lovergirl".....Teena Marie
51. "Nightshift".....Commodores
52. "Head Over Heels".....The Go-Gos
53. "Neutron Dance".....Pointer Sisters
54. "Axel F".....Harold Faltermeyer
55. "You Give Good Love".....Whitney Houston
56. "The Search Is Over".....Survivor
57. "Small Town".....John Cougar Mellencamp
58. "Smooth Operator".....Sade
59. "Glory Days".....Bruce Springsteen
60. "Suddenly".....Billy Ocean
61. "Run To You".....Bryan Adams
62. "Obsession".....Animotion
63. "Lonely Ol' Night".....John Cougar Mellencamp
64. "Some Like It Hot".....Power Station
65. "Valotte".....Julian Lennon
66. "You Belong To The City".....Glenn Frey
67. "Material Girl".....Madonna
68. "Perfect Way".....Scritti Politti
69. "Election Day".....Arcadia
70. "Too Late For Goodbyes".....Julian Lennon
71. "Freedom".....Wham!
72. "In My House".....Mary Jane Girls
73. "Summer Of '69".....Bryan Adams
74. "Sleeping Bag".....ZZ Top
75. "Angel".....Madonna
76. "Lay Your Hands On Me".....Thompson Twins
77. "I'm On Fire".....Bruce Springsteen
78. "Would I Lie To You?".....Eurythmics
79. "Who's Zoomin' Who".....Aretha Franklin
80. "Fortress Around Your Heart".....Sting
81. "Born In The U.S.A.".....Bruce Springsteen
82. "All She Wants To Do Is Dance".....Don Henley
83. "Voices Carry".....'Til Tuesday
84. "Be Near Me".....ABC
85. "Private Dancer".....Tina Turner
86. "Fresh".....Kool & The Gang
87. "Sentimental Street".....Night Ranger
88. "California Girls".....David Lee Roth
89. "Do What You Do".....Jermaine Jackson
90. "Method Of Modern Love".....Hall & Oates
91. "Walking On Sunshine".....Katrina & The Waves
92. "Pop Life".....Prince & The Revolution
93. "You're Only Human".....Billy Joel
94. "Invincible".....Pat Benatar
95. "Lovin' Every Minute Of It".....Loverboy
96. "Get It On (Bang A Gong)".....Power Station
97. "Dare Me".....Pointer Sisters
98. "What About Love".....Heart
99. "You Are My Lady".....Freddie Jackson
100. "Dress You Up".....Madonna
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Mensajes: 1,711
Temas: 53
Registro en: Nov 2003
1. "That's What Friends Are For".....Dionne & Friends
2. "Walk Like An Egyptian".....Bangles
3. "On My Own".....Patti Labelle & Michael McDonald
4. "The Way It Is".....Bruce Hornsby & The Range
5. "You Give Love A Bad Name".....Bon Jovi
6. "Greatest Love Of All".....Whitney Houston
7. "There'll Be Sad Songs".....Billy Ocean
8. "How Will I Know".....Whitney Houston
9. "Kyrie".....Mr. Mister
10. "Kiss".....Prince & The Revolution
11. "The Next Time I Fall".....Peter Cetera & Amy Grant
12. "Burning Heart".....Survivor
13. "Stuck With You".....Huey Lewis & The News
14. "When I Think Of You".....Janet Jackson
15. "Rock Me Amadeus".....Falco
16. "West End Girls".....Pet Shop Boys
17. "Sledgehammer".....Peter Gabriel
18. "Human".....Human League
19. "Sara".....Starship
20. "Higher Love".....Steve Winwood
21. "Glory Of Love".....Peter Cetera
22. "Everybody Have Fun Tonight".....Wang Chung
23. "Friends And Lovers".....Gloria Loring & Carl Anderson
24. "Conga".....Miami Sound Machine
25. "Secret Lovers".....Atlantic Starr
26. "Live To Tell".....Madonna
27. "Addicted To Love".....Robert Palmer
28. "I Can't Wait".....Nu Shooz
29. "What Have You Done For Me Lately".....Janet Jackson
30. "Venus".....Bananarama
31. "What You Need".....INXS
32. "Take My Breath Away".....Berlin
33. "These Dreams".....Heart
34. "Holding Back The Years".....Simply Red
35. "Walk Of Life".....Dire Straits
36. "Dancing On The Ceiling".....Lionel Richie
37. "Amanda".....Boston
38. "Papa Don't Preach".....Madonna
39. "True Colors".....Cyndi Lauper
40. "Talk To Me".....Stevie Nicks
41. "Mad About You".....Belinda Carlisle
42. "Don't Forget Me (When I'm Gone)".....Glass Tiger
43. "When The Going Gets Tough".....Billy Ocean
44. "Why Can't This Be Love".....Van Halen
45. "Danger Zone".....Kenny Loggins
46. "Crush On You".....The Jets
47. "Hip To Be Square".....Huey Lewis & The News
48. "Manic Monday".....Bangles
49. "I'm Your Man".....Wham!
50. "If You Leave".....Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
51. "Word Up".....Cameo
52. "Invisible Touch".....Genesis
53. "No One Is To Blame".....Howard Jones
54. "To Be A Lover".....Billy Idol
55. "Throwing It All Away".....Genesis
56. "Your Love".....The Outfield
57. "Something About You".....Level 42
58. "Let's Go All The Way".....Sly Fox
59. "Tonight She Comes".....The Cars
60. "Typical Male".....Tina Turner
61. "Nasty".....Janet Jackson
62. "R.O.C.K. In The USA".....John Cougar Mellencamp
63. "I Didn't Mean To Turn You On".....Robert Palmer
64. "Who's Johnny".....El DeBarge
65. "Two Of Hearts".....Stacey Q
67. "Stand By Me".....Ben E. King
68. "We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off".....Jermaine Stewart
69. "Take Me Home Tonight".....Eddie Money
70. "Sweet Freedom".....Michael McDonald
71. "Walk This Way".....Run-D.M.C.
72. "Words Get In The Way".....Miami Sound Machine
73. "Love Touch".....Rod Stewart
74. "All I Need Is A Miracle".....Mike + The Mechanics
75. "Rumors".....Times Social Club
76. "Silent Running".....Mike + The Mechanics
77. "All Cried Out".....Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam w/ Full Force
78. "Don't Get Me Wrong".....Pretenders
79. "Baby Love".....Regina
80. "Spies Like Us".....Paul McCartney
81. "True Blue".....Madonna
82. "Living In America".....James Brown
83. "Take Me Home".....Phil Collins
84. "Dreamtime".....Daryl Hall
85. "Bad Boy".....Miami Sound Machine
86. "Heartbeat".....Don Johnson
87. "Nikita".....Elton John
88. "King For A Day".....Thompson Twins
89. "A Different Corner".....George Michael
90. "Love Will Conquer All".....Lionel Richie
91. "Life In A Northern Town".....The Dream Academy
92. "Go Home".....Stevie Wonder
93. "Sweet Love".....Anita Baker
94. "Your Wildest Dreams".....The Moody Blues
95. "Is It Love".....Mr. Mister
96. "You Should Be Mine".....Jeffrey Osborne
97. "Harlem Shuffle".....Rolling Stones
98. "My Hometown".....Bruce Springsteen
99. "Love Zone".....Billy Ocean
100. "The Rain".....Oran "Juice" Jones
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Mensajes: 1,711
Temas: 53
Registro en: Nov 2003
1. "Faith".....George Michael
2. "Alone".....Heart
3. "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)" .....Whitney Houston
4. "C'est la Vie".....Robbie Nevil
5. "Shake You Down".....Gregory Abbott
6. "La Bamba".....Los Lobos
7. "Livin' On A Prayer".....Bon Jovi
8. "Here I Go Again".....Whitesnake
9. "Heaven Is A Place On Earth".....Belinda Carlisle
10. "(I've Had) The Time Of My Life".....Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes
11. "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now".....Starship
12. "I Think We're Alone Now".....Tiffany
13. "With Or Without You".....U2
14. "At This Moment".....Billy Vera and the Beaters
15. "Keep Your Hands To Yourself".....Georgia Satellites
16. "Heart And Soul".....T'Pau
17. "Open Your Heart".....Madonna
18. "Didn't We Almost Have It All".....Whitney Houston
19. "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For".....U2
20. "Looking For A New Love".....Jody Watley
21. "Don't Dream It's Over".....Crowded House
22. "Is This Love".....Whitesnake
23. "Shake Your Love".....Debbie Gibson
24. "Shakedown".....Bob Seger
25. "Notorious".....Duran Duran
26. "I Want Your Sex".....George Michael
27. "The Lady In Red".....Chris DeBurgh
28. "Always".....Atlantic Starr
29. "Head To Toe".....Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam
30. "Mony Mony".....Billy Idol
31. "Only In My Dreams".....Debbie Gibson
32. "Land Of Confusion".....Genesis
33. "Lost In Emotion"....Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam
34. "Should've Known Better".....Richard Marx
35. "You Keep Me Hanging On".....Kim Wilde
36. "Touch Me (I Want Your Body)".....Samantha Fox
37. "Lean On Me".....Club Nouveau
38. "Catch Me (I'm Falling)".....Poison
39. "I Knew You Were Waiting".....Aretha Franklin & George Michael
40. "(I Just) Died In Your Arms".....Cutting Crew
41. "Control".....Janet Jackson
42. "Somewhere Out There".....Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram
43. "U Got The Look".....Prince
44. "Don't You Want Me".....Jody Watley
45. "Jacob's Ladder".....Huey Lewis and the News
46. "I Heard A Rumour".....Bananarama
47. "Little Lies".....Fleetwood Mac
48. "Songbird".....Kenny G
49. "Breakout".....Swing Out Sister
50. "Someday".....Glass Tiger
51. "Bad".....Michael Jackson
52. "In Too Deep:.....Genesis
53. "I Just Can't Stop Loving You".....Michael Jackson & Siedah Garrett
54. "La Isla Bonita".....Madonna
55. "Let's Wait Awhile".....Janet Jackson
56. "Luka".....Suzanne Vega
57. "You Got It All".....The Jets
58. "Who's That Girl".....Madonna
59. "Don't Mean Nothing".....Richard Marx
60. "Come On With Me".....Expose
61. "Will You Still Love Me?".....Chicago
62. "Wanted Dead Or Alive".....Bon Jovi
63. "Don't Disturb This Groove".....The System
64. "Change Of Heart".....Cyndi Lauper
65. "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You".....Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine
66. "Casanova".....Levert
67. "When Smokey Sings".....ABC
68."Is This Love".....Survivor
69. "The Finer Things".....Steve Winwood
70. "Rock Steady".....The Whispers
71. "Big Time".....Peter Gabriel
72. "Point Of No Return".....Expose
73. "We'll Be Together".....Sting
74. "Something So Strong".....Crowded House
75. "Victory".....Kool and the Gang
76. "The One I Love"......R.E.M.
77. "Causing A Commotion".....Madonna
78. "Sign O' The Times".....Prince
79. "Carrie".....Europe
80. "Mandolin Rain".....Bruce Hornsby and the Range
81. "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight".....Genesis
82. "Can't We Try".....Dan Hill with Vonda Sheppard
83. "Diamonds".....Herb Albert
84. "Heart Of The Night".....Bryan Adams
85. "Let Me Be The One".....Expose
86. "Brilliant Disguise".....Bruce Springsteen
87. "Midnight Blue".....Lou Gramm
88. "Just To See Her".....Smokey Robinson
89. "Doing It All For My Baby".....Huey Lewis and the News
90. "Valerie".....Steve Winwood
91. "Cross My Broken Heart".....The Jets
92. "Ballerina Girl".....Lionel Richie
93. "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You".....Glenn Medeiros
94. "It's A Sin".....Pet Shop Boys
95. "I've Been In Love Before".....Cutting Crew
96. "Wipeout".....Fat Boys & Beach Boys
97. "Big Love".....Fleetwood Mac
98. "Respect Yourself".....Bruce Willis
99. "Who Will You Run To?.....Heart
100. "Right On Track".....Breakfast Club
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Mensajes: 1,711
Temas: 53
Registro en: Nov 2003
1. "Need You Tonight," INXS
2. "Look Away," Chicago
3. "Roll With It," Steve Winwood
4. "Every Rose Has Its Thorn," Poison
5. "Got My Mind Set On You," George Harrison
6. "So Emotional," Whitney Houston
7. "Seasons Change," Expose
8. "Baby I Love Your Way/Freebird Medley," Will to Power
9. "Could've Been," Tiffany
10. "Never Gonna Give You Up," Rick Astley
11. "Sweet Child Of Mine," Guns 'n' Roses
12. "Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car," Billy Ocean
13. "The Flame," Cheap Trick
14."Giving You The Best That I Got," Anita Baker
15. "Waiting For A Star To Fall," Boy Meets Girl
16. "Hands To Heaven," Breathe
17. "How Can I Fall?" Breathe
18. "Anything For You," Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine
19. "Wishing Well," Terence Trent D'Arby
20. "Hungry Eyes," Eric Carmen
21. "Wild, Wild West," Escape Club
22. "Hold On To The Nights," Richard Marx
23. "Man In The Mirror," Michael Jackson
24. "Love Bites," Def Leppard
25. "Where Do Broken Hearts Go," Whitney Houston
26. "One More Try," George Michael
27. "Groovy Kind Of Love," Phil Collins
28. "Father Figure," George Michael
29. "Bad Medicine," Bon Jovi
30. "Don't Worry Be Happy," Bobby McFerrin
31. "Devil Inside," INXS
32. "Pour Some Sugar On Me," Def Leppard
33. "Simply Irresistible," Robert Palmer
34. "Hazy Shade Of Winter," Bangles
35. "I'll Always Love You," Taylor Dayne
36. "Endless Summer Nights," Richard Marx
37. "Naughty Girls (Need Love Too)," Samantha Fox
38. "Angel," Aerosmith
39. "The Way You Make Me Feel," Michael Jackson
40. "Foolish Beat," Debbie Gibson
41. "Tell It To My Heart," Taylor Dayne
42. "Red Red Wine," UB40
43. "Together Forever," Rick Astley
44. "Kokomo," Beach Boys
45. "Monkey," George Michael
46. "Shattered Dreams," Johnny Hates Jazz
47. "I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That," Elton John
48. "Make Me Lose Control," Eric Carmen
49. "She's Like The Wind," Patrick Swayze & Wendy Fraser
50. "Make It Real," The Jets
51. "The Loco-Motion," Kylie Minogue
52. "I Don't Want Your Love," Duran Duran
53. "What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy)," Information Society
54. "Girlfriend," Pebbles
55. "If It Isn't Love," New Edition
56. "I Want To Be Your Man," Roger
57. "Dirty Diana," Michael Jackson
58. "Walk On Water," Eddie Money
59. "Candle In The Wind," Elton John
60. "Don't Be Cruel," Bobby Brown
61. "Out Of The Blue," Debbie Gibson
62. "Desire," U2
63. "I Get Weak," Belinda Carlisle
64. "I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love," Chicago
65. "What Have I Done To Deserve This?" Pet Shop Boys w/ Dusty Springfield
66. "Sign Your Name," Terence Trent D'Arby
67. "Perfect World," Huey Lewis and the News
68. "Mercedes Boy," Pebbles
69. "1-2-3," Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine
70. "New Sensation," INXS
71. "Welcome To The Jungle," Guns 'n' Roses
72. "Everything Your Heart Desires," Hall & Oates
73. "Don't Be Cruel," Cheap Trick
74. "One Good Woman," Peter Cetera
75. "Pink Cadillac," Natalie Cole
76. "Always On My Mind," Pet Shop Boys
77. "Rocket 2 U," The Jets
78. "Fast Car," Tracy Chapman
79. "I Want Her," Keith Sweat
80. "Say You Will," Foreigner
81. "Electric Blue," Icehouse
82. "Nite And Day," Al B. Sure!
83. "When It's Love," Van Halen
84. "The Promise," When In Rome
85. "I Still Believe," Brenda K. Starr
86. "The Valley Road," Bruce Hornsby and the Range
87. "I Don't Want To Live Without You," Foreigner
88. "One Moment In Time," Whitney Houston
89. "Valerie," Steve Winwood
90. "Cherry Bomb," John Cougar Mellencamp
91. "I Hate Myself For Loving You," Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
92. "Just Like Paradise," David Lee Roth
93. "Prove Your Love," Taylor Dayne
94. "Piano In The Dark," Brenda Russell
95. "Never Tear Us Apart," INXS
96. "Nothin' But A Good Time," Poison
97. "Circle In The Sand," Belinda Carlisle
98. "Don't Shed A Tear," Paul Carrack
99. "Wait," White Lion
100. "Nobody's Fool," Kenny Loggins
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Mensajes: 3,386
Temas: 218
Registro en: Nov 2002
No tengo la lista actualizada, pero fácilmente tendré como más de 400 rolas de los 80's. Entre ellos de:
Air Supply
Duran Duran
Men at Work
Modern Rocketry
Pat Benatar
Pet Shop Boys
Quiet Riot
Bon Jovi
Michael Jackson
Simply Minds
The Clash
Midnight Oil
Reo SpeedWagon
Al Corley
Anything Box
Billy Idol
Bruce Springteen
Lionel Ritchie
Soft Sell
Cindy Lauper
The Outfield
Stevie Wonder
Bad English
ZZ Top
Belinda Carlisle
Bil Medley
Jennifer Warnes
Billie Joel
Bonnie Tyler
Brian Adams
Brian McKnight
Cat Stevens
Christopher Cross
Culture Club
The Cure
David Bowie
Debbie Gibson
Def Leppard
Donna Summer
The Doors
The Eagles
Edwin McCain
Elton John
Fleetwood Mac
Frank Stallone
Gary Moore
Glenn Frey
John Cougar Mellencamp
Laura Branigan
Little Angels
Meat Loaf
Nik Kershaw
Ozzy Osbourne
Paul Young
Peter Cetera
Phil Collins
Richard Marx
Rod Stewart
Rolling Stones
Whitney Houston
En su gran mayoría tengo sus éxitos. Si requieres de alguno en especial me avisas igual te lo envío por correo, no sé. También tengo de los 50's, 60's, 70's, 90's, etc.
Mensajes: 3,386
Temas: 218
Registro en: Nov 2002
Alguien tendrá el éxito de Kenny y los Electricos: No huyas de mi???
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
Pues si alguien tiene la de Buckner & garcia- "pac man fever" (ya la mencionaron mas arriba) y me la puede enviar por correo, seria bienvenida...
(no es una joya de la musica universal, pero, de nuevo, me parece bastante representativa de la epoca...)
Mensajes: 3,386
Temas: 218
Registro en: Nov 2002
Eric escribió:Pues si alguien tiene la de Buckner & garcia- "pac man fever" (ya la mencionaron mas arriba) y me la puede enviar por correo, seria bienvenida...
No la tengo, pero puedes bajarla de aquí en formato wma
Mensajes: 926
Temas: 36
Registro en: Oct 2003
Yo la tengo Eric, igual si quieres te la mando por email para que ya la tengas. La rola mide como 4.5Mb ya que esta comprimida a 160Kbps...te doy chance de que vacies tu email. Tu me dices cuando quieras que la mande...ok?
Saludos desde Guadalara, Jal. Mexico
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
Gracias Meneses y Jose Luis!
Jose Luis enviamela a mi cuenta de yahoo! que tengo 250mb libres...
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Si te rebota el correo o algo me avisas por aqui o por correo... :wink: