02-21-2007, 08:04 PM
SrGinelli escribió:malas noticias para nosotros
Putting the Grind in Grindhouse
Date: February 21, 2007
By: Ronnie Adams
Source: Dark Horizons
The Weinsteins will be splitting up the Tarantino/Rodriguez double feature into two separately released films, possibly months apart for non-English speaking countries.
I can't feel to bad for your foreigners though because you will be getting two fully fledged theatrical cuts of the films, Death Proof and Planet Terror, with additional footage.
No word on how the faux trailers will be played, but it's a safe bet that they will be included at the begining of each run. Nor is there word on which movie will open first.
Seems like the Weinsteins truly understand the Grindhouse concept.