12-01-2009, 12:10 PM
no asustes Lex!!
Acabo de entrar a Amazon, $260.00 USD
No habrás confundido el precio del Oppo?
Acabo de entrar a Amazon, $260.00 USD
No habrás confundido el precio del Oppo?
Rodrigo Merlano
Dedicated HT>>AVR Onkyo TX-NR818|VP 3D HD Epson 5020UB|Pantalla 150"|Dune HD Max| 7.2 System JBL LS Series|PRE and Ampli Emotiva|Remote Control iPad-iPhone
Wife´s Room>>Samsung Series 6 40"|LG BD390
Rodrigo Merlano
Dedicated HT>>AVR Onkyo TX-NR818|VP 3D HD Epson 5020UB|Pantalla 150"|Dune HD Max| 7.2 System JBL LS Series|PRE and Ampli Emotiva|Remote Control iPad-iPhone
Wife´s Room>>Samsung Series 6 40"|LG BD390