09-17-2011, 03:27 PM
varikelo escribió:Siguiendo con el tema de los cambios, se imaginan si hubiera pasado? :o (texto proveniente del review de TheDigitalBits.Com)
For those of you who hate the past changes (and the new BD changes), believe me I get it. Let me just say, it could be a LOT worse. Sources well-positioned to know have told me that Lucas actually seriously considered replacing the puppet Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi with the all-digital version, and even had tests conducted to see how it would look. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. (For the record, I'm told that the digital Yoda just didn't look right or mesh well with the real, physical, practical Dagobah sets. Shocking, I know.) In any case, the films are what they are - changes and all - and now they're finally available on Blu-ray
Ese sería un cambio que no podría soportar, la interacción Yoda-Luke en Dagobah es de las secuencias que más me gustan, es perfecta como está.