12-13-2012, 08:48 PM
(12-13-2012, 07:23 PM)Lucho Cohaila Guzman escribió: YEEAKKKKK.... ojo con lo que veran la version HFR....
Cita:Technology will march forward. That march usually involves something getting trampled along the way. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is underfoot of horrible 48fps 3D, also known as HFR 3D (High Frame Rate 3D). Billed as a technology to sharpen 3D and reduce the headaches it can cause, HFR 3D has crippled Peter Jackson‘s return to Middle-earth. Without the atrocious visuals, Jackson’s film is still slightly repetitive and bloated, but the magic mostly remains intact. But under HFR 3D, the journey looks like a cheap soap opera on fast forward with crappy digital effects.
fuente: http://collider.com/the-hobbit-an-unexpe...ew/217718/
A Matt Goldberg de Collider hay que creerle un 10% de lo que dice, solo lean sus reviews y los comentarios de cada una.
Yo compré mis boletos en imax 3D en cuanto abrió la preventa cinepolis aún sin confirmar si tendrían HFR, y chequé apenas y veo que mi función si es en HFR después de todo.
Ya casi puedo leer los malos comentarios que le dará la gente que no le gusten las tv's de 120 o 240 hz.
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