01-18-2006, 10:03 AM
Vicco escribió:Y obviamente ya se esta cocinando la secuela... según este reporte de USA Today, la secuela trataría acerca de la pelea de Bruce Banner con sus demonios internos, lo que resultaría en el Hulk gris que apareció en los comics, también se incluirían 2 villanos, Leader y the Abomination.
Pues hoy se corrió el rumor que David Duchovny interpretará el papel de Bruce Banner en la secuela de Hulk, Eric Banna al parecer prefirió no filmarla al enterarse que saldría... directa a video. hock:
Imdb News escribió:Former X-Files star David Duchovny is set to become the new Incredible Hulk after Aussie actor Eric Bana pulled out of the sequel project. Peter Cuneo, the vice chairman of comic book franchise Marvel, revealed Duchovny is the frontrunner to play the green giant in The Incredible Hulk 2 in a recent interview with AOL's Motley Fool Radio Team. He said, "Duchovny's name has been bought up several times. He's quite the fan too." Bana pulled out of the sequel when he discovered the plan was to release the film direct to DVD. Cuneo insists there's still life in the Hulk project: "Hulk did $250 million worldwide box office, which is a huge box office, and as you may recall, we had tremendous success with our toy line, which was a complete sell-out, over $100 million worldwide."
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Keep on Rockin' in the free world...