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Caceria Anual de Focas en Canada :(

Leyendo las ligas que les comente, me encuentro que MEXICO no esta libre de estas estupideces !!! Aparecemos en la lista de consumidores de estas pieles !!! :x :x :x

Las cantidades son brutales en otros paises, pero el que un pais con nuestro clima los consuma, es increible. Sad Sad Sad

........Although the European WHITE COAT ban instigated in 1986 had a dramatic effect on the seal pelt market, it is a troubling fact that the world demand for seal pelts is now growing. The victims? Baby seals just grown out of their whitecoat stage.
(95% of the seals killed in the Canadian seal hunt are between 12 days and 4 months old.)

Pelt prices are at their highest in years, and furriers and fashion moguls are attempting new marketing directions to revise the once struggling industry.


The following are the country-by-country seal skin export statistics from Industry Canada . The numbers are the "raw" seal skin exports in Canadian dollars.

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Norway 3,046,648 5,998,388 6,858,225 6,761,996
Greenland 2,108,421 4,000,000
Finland 300 509,888 1,912,936
Hong Kong 155 80,521 380,338
Germany 86,270 11,390 1,117,775 255,288
Turkey 62,556
Russia 21,397 30,365
Denmark 389,953 749,155 562,625 148,130 11,285
Kazakhstan 496
Mexico 13
Subtotal 476,123 3,795,958 6,572,703 10,844,357 13,415,213
Others 75,507 529,346 684,191 821,518
Total 552,630 4,325,304 7,256,894 11,665,875 13,415,213

Which companies sell finished seal fur coats, accessories, and trinkets?
Help stop the seal slaughter by boycotting ALL products from the following companies.

Birger Christensen
Ostergade 38
DK-1100 Copenhagen K Denmark
Phone: 45 33 11 55 55
Fax: 45 33 93 21 35
<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Makes and sells harp seal fur garments. In their store, they also sell harp seal fur garments made by Prada and Dolce & Gabbana.

Prada S.P.A.
Via Andrea Maffei, 2
20154 Milan, Italy
Phone: 39 02 54 67 01

Prada (U.S. office)
Katherine Ross, V.P. of Communications
610 W. 52nd St.
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212 307 9300

Dolce & Gabbana
Via Goldoni, 10,
20129 Milano, Italy.
+39 02 774271
Fax +39 02 76020600.

685 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10022
<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

Donatella Versace
Versace S.P.A. Headquarters
Via Manzoni, 38
Milan ITALY 20121
Phone: 39 02 76 09 31
Fax: 39 02 76 00 41 22

Mensajes en este tema
Caceria Anual de Focas en Canada :( - por corygirl - 03-25-2006, 05:33 PM
[Sin título] - por arturo_gtz - 03-25-2006, 07:13 PM
[Sin título] - por ploki - 03-25-2006, 10:34 PM
[Sin título] - por corygirl - 03-26-2006, 10:50 AM
[Sin título] - por carlosvp - 03-27-2006, 10:34 AM
[Sin título] - por Vicco - 03-27-2006, 10:46 AM
[Sin título] - por romino - 03-27-2006, 10:47 AM
[Sin título] - por corygirl - 03-27-2006, 11:30 AM
[Sin título] - por carlosvp - 03-27-2006, 03:31 PM
[Sin título] - por carlosvp - 03-27-2006, 03:40 PM
[Sin título] - por Lex - 03-27-2006, 06:32 PM
[Sin título] - por Octari - 03-27-2006, 07:40 PM
Re: Caceria Anual de Focas en Canada :( - por Eliseo - 05-07-2009, 01:19 PM
Re: Caceria Anual de Focas en Canada :( - por el Fer - 05-12-2009, 10:13 AM

Salto de foro:

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