Mensajes: 1,103
Temas: 170
Registro en: Jun 2009
Mi Equipo:
Mensajes: 1,745
Temas: 24
Registro en: Mar 2003
Chespirito 3D pronto...
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
11-14-2012, 09:52 AM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 11-14-2012, 09:54 AM por Lost hero.)
del Weekly Ad de Best Buy USA (18 de Nov al 21 de Nov) *antes del BlackFriday
Titulos 3D $14.99 dls!!
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
I Robot
Transformers 3
Journey to the center of the earth 2
Titulos 3D $19.99 dls
Madagascar 3
John Carter
Cars 2
The Lion King
Piratas del Caribe 4
Toy Story 3
Tron Legacy
excelente oferta para quienes no tengan estos titulos 3D (yo ya tengo todos jaja  )
Lo mas seguro es que Amazon haga price match .
Mensajes: 3,927
Temas: 159
Registro en: Mar 2003
yo iria por
John Carter
Tron Legacy
no tengo esas.... todavia....
Mensajes: 137
Temas: 3
Registro en: Oct 2010
I Robot y John Carter. UFF ya sé qué tendré que comprar el domingo en Best Buy, Taylor Kitsch en 3D grrr y Will Smith creo tiene una escena buena también al principio de la peli...
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
11-23-2012, 07:30 PM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 11-23-2012, 07:33 PM por Lost hero.)
![[Imagen: 26565_medium.jpg]](
Movie 5.0
Video 5.0
3D 5.0
Audio 5.0
Extras 4.0
Overall 5.0
Cita:Up demonstrates Pixar's grasp of character, story, humor and rich sentiment, and wields each one as effortlessly as its animators wield the tools of their craft. I cannot recommend Docter's touching tale enough. Its new 5-disc 3D Blu-ray release is even better. While Up didn't earn a theatrical re-release a la Finding Nemo, Disney pulls out all the stops to deliver a perfect video presentation, a perfect 3D experience and a perfect DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track. Granted, the set's captivating supplemental package falls a wee bit short of Disney's best, and no, it doesn't include any new features beyond the 3D version of the film. But 3D enthusiasts will be delighted. Like the film, I cannot recommend Up's 3D Blu-ray release enough.
¿soy yo o esta un poco exagerado la calificacion del 3D ?
si tiene sus momentos (mas que nada profundidad) pero no para un 5.0!
¿sera que la edicion MX/UK es otro transfer ?
comentarios de otro foro
Cita:This has been out in the UK for a while now and all I can say is that IMO the 3D is virtually none Existent.
I was stunned when I read the review, still each to their own, we are all entitled to our opinions.
Cita:Agreed. Although the PQ is very good, apart from being a little over contrasty, the 3D is VERY average as is Finding Nemo which also got top marks.
Cita:5/5 for 3D? Please where was there ANY pop?
Lo mas seguro es que este muy exagerada las calificacion a que sea un nuevo transfer 3d para USA.
Mensajes: 9,418
Temas: 492
Registro en: Dec 2002
Me interesa esta pelicula en 3D, me parece que este tipo de peliculas (PIXAR) es como mas se disfruta el 3D.
Mensajes: 127
Temas: 4
Registro en: Dec 2009
Para los que no la tengan..el dia de ayer compre en mixup con etiqueta roja "el viaje 2 la isla misteriosa en 3D" y la verdad la disfrute mucho..muy buena profundidad e imagenes fuera de la las recomiendo.
Plasma: Panasonic TC-P50S2 Full HD
LCD LED: Samsung UN40EH6030F 3D Full HD
Reproductor Blu Ray: Panasonic DMP-BD60
Reproductor Blu Ray 3D: Samsung BD-E5500
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
Review de la edicion 3D
Movie 3.5
Video 5.0
3D 3.5
Audio 5.0
Extras 3.0
Overall 3.5
Cita:Hotel Transylvania lacks passion from its voice cast and really lacks even a semblance of a novel script, but never mind that. The target audience is going to adore this film for its lovable and safe monstrous characters, the bright colors, the slick animation, and the song-and-dance routines that dot the film's entire digital landscape. Even for the grown-ups who know how it's going to end almost before it starts, the film provides a decent little diversion and, if nothing else, watching the younger ones having a ball with the movie should alone be worth the price of admission. Sony's Blu-ray 3D release of Hotel Transylvania offers the same good array of extras found on the 2D disc. The audio transfer is stellar but the 3D elements aren't really worth the added cost.
Mensajes: 10,044
Temas: 496
Registro en: Apr 2009
^ solo una aclaración la calificación del video con 5.0 es para la versión 2D, para el 3D, asunto que compete a este tema, es de 3.5/5.0
Todos mis BDs en venta, escucho propuestas.
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
02-05-2013, 09:55 PM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 02-06-2013, 05:25 PM por gonzalo MX.)
Movie 4.0
Video 4.5
3D 4.0
Audio 4.5
Extras 4.5
Overall 4.5
Cita:Paramount's converted 3D presentation is really quite satisfying and a natural fit for the film, much more so than even some new films converted to 3D with no real dramatic purpose or visual reason to be in 3D. The film benefits remarkably well from the conversion, and it's done tastefully and expertly. The aerial scenes benefit the most, but the entire film feels almost like a brand new experience with that added dimension. This Blu-ray release also features the film's original 2D presentation and all the original release's supplements on a second disc. The lossless audio options are killer. This is a must-own for fans of the film and 3D display owners.
Mensajes: 2,768
Temas: 48
Registro en: Aug 2003
(11-23-2012, 07:30 PM)Lost hero escribió: UP 3D REVIEW
![[Imagen: 26565_medium.jpg]](
Movie 5.0
Video 5.0
3D 5.0
Audio 5.0
Extras 4.0
Overall 5.0
Cita:Up demonstrates Pixar's grasp of character, story, humor and rich sentiment, and wields each one as effortlessly as its animators wield the tools of their craft. I cannot recommend Docter's touching tale enough. Its new 5-disc 3D Blu-ray release is even better. While Up didn't earn a theatrical re-release a la Finding Nemo, Disney pulls out all the stops to deliver a perfect video presentation, a perfect 3D experience and a perfect DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track. Granted, the set's captivating supplemental package falls a wee bit short of Disney's best, and no, it doesn't include any new features beyond the 3D version of the film. But 3D enthusiasts will be delighted. Like the film, I cannot recommend Up's 3D Blu-ray release enough.
¿soy yo o esta un poco exagerado la calificacion del 3D ?
si tiene sus momentos (mas que nada profundidad) pero no para un 5.0!
¿sera que la edicion MX/UK es otro transfer ?
comentarios de otro foro
Cita:This has been out in the UK for a while now and all I can say is that IMO the 3D is virtually none Existent.
I was stunned when I read the review, still each to their own, we are all entitled to our opinions.
Cita:Agreed. Although the PQ is very good, apart from being a little over contrasty, the 3D is VERY average as is Finding Nemo which also got top marks.
Cita:5/5 for 3D? Please where was there ANY pop?
Lo mas seguro es que este muy exagerada las calificacion a que sea un nuevo transfer 3d para USA. Ayer la rente y el 3D no se me hizo nada del otro mundo
No Line On The Horizon March 3
Mensajes: 1,761
Temas: 37
Registro en: Jan 2003
02-06-2013, 05:16 PM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 02-06-2013, 05:25 PM por gonzalo MX.)
(02-05-2013, 09:55 PM)Lost hero escribió: Review
![[Imagen: 60004_medium.jpg]](
Maldición, tiene que ser mia...
Saludos desde Guadalajara, Mexico
Alejandro Ramirez
Mensajes: 629
Temas: 6
Registro en: Jul 2010
Alguien sabe si Top Gun 3D estará disponible en México?...
Sino para ir haciendo el pedido en Amazon.
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
Lionsgate Films have officially announced and detailed their upcoming 3D Blu-ray release of Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor's Gamer (2009), starring Gerard Butler, Michael C. Hall, and Ludacris. The release will be available for purchase online and in stores across the nation on May 7th.
Special Features:
Inside the Game: Controlling Gamer featurette
Note: The 3D Blu-ray release of Gamer is the first to arrive on the market after the recently announced partnership between Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Lionsgate Films.
Mensajes: 4,178
Temas: 84
Registro en: Nov 2007
Que raro que convirtieran esa película a 3D, habiendo tantas que podrían hacer el upgrade, deciden esa, es bastante mediocre.
Mensajes: 10,044
Temas: 496
Registro en: Apr 2009
Todos mis BDs en venta, escucho propuestas.
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
(02-11-2013, 10:34 PM)cuau_cg escribió: Que raro que convirtieran esa película a 3D, habiendo tantas que podrían hacer el upgrade, deciden esa, es bastante mediocre.
Aqui en México ni salió jamas jejeje
Mensajes: 4,178
Temas: 84
Registro en: Nov 2007
Si salió, yo la vi en el cine.  Si te refieres al blu-ray, no salió y dvd no sé.
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
03-13-2013, 10:11 AM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 03-13-2013, 10:11 AM por el Fer.)
asi es, el bluray... el DVD lo vi por ahi, lo edito 'Doña Chonita Films' o una mamada de esas. Asco. Yo la pelicula nunca la vi, pero si se me antoja darle una checada.
Mensajes: 4,178
Temas: 84
Registro en: Nov 2007
A mi no mas me gustó por que iba muy bien acompañado ese día, que fue de hecho quien me invitó al cine y eligió la película jaja.  Fuera de eso es mega olvidable.
Mensajes: 4,178
Temas: 84
Registro en: Nov 2007
Gamer no trae subtítulos en español, solo doblaje, para el que vaya a importar esté advertido.
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
Movie 2.0
Video 4.5
3D 3.5
Audio 5.0
Extras 2.0
Overall 2.5
Cita:Gamer 3D is all style and no substance, and unfortunately that style is so discombobulating so much of the time that it's frequently more annoying than anything. The film has the kernel of a good idea, albeit one that's been done to death already, but with nonstop quick cutting, ridiculous dialogue and absolutely no character development whatsoever, there's not a lot here other than sound and fury signifying nothing, or next to nothing. The post conversion 3D is okay, but certainly not spectacular enough to warrant double dipping on an already questionable title.
Mensajes: 4,178
Temas: 84
Registro en: Nov 2007
Es verdad, es malísima la película.
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
Texas Chainsaw 3D
Movie 1.5
Video 4.0
3D 4.0
Audio 5.0
Extras 4.0
Overall 2.5
Cita:Texas Chainsaw 3D is undeniably laughable some of the time, but it also has some very effective sequences. My hunch is franchise aficionados are going to be split down the middle (hmmm. . .how appropriate) on this release, with some liking (or at least tolerating) this reboot and others hating it down to its bloody guts. Whatever your personal reaction, you may well want to check out this Blu-ray for the really stellar assemblage of supplementary material, including three very interesting commentaries.
Mensajes: 9,418
Temas: 492
Registro en: Dec 2002
05-15-2013, 08:39 PM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 05-15-2013, 08:58 PM por gonzalo MX.)
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
Formato: BR3D
Origen: Nacional
SKU: 86162568350
Precio de Lista: $459.00
Este producto se distribuirá a partir de: 09/08/2013
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
Opinion sobre Jumper 3D (UK)
Cita:OK I watched it tonight. I'll cut to the chase, it's weak to medium 3D throughout. It looks good, especially during exterior shots in some of the gorgeous locations throughout the movie. I think it's a bit better than the I, Robot conversion (which I thought was just OK). Unfortunately there are pretty much no pop outs whatsoever, but depth is where it's at here. I think the conversion was well done for a straight to blu release but this would not be up to par if it was to be released theatrically and it falls short of Top Gun 3D. I'll be interested to hear some other opinions on this.
I was pleased overall and as the movie has lots of cool moments in great locations it's very cool to see these done in 3D. The sense of depth is well conveyed, however it could be a lot stronger.
Mensajes: 3,818
Temas: 260
Registro en: Nov 2008
22 de Octubre
Formato: BR3D
Origen: Nacional
SKU: 7509036552727
Precio de Lista: $253.00
Este producto se distribuirá a partir de: 22/10/2013
Mensajes: 3,773
Temas: 82
Registro en: Oct 2006
House of Wax 3D será una elegante adición a la colección.
Dooby dooby doo
Strangers in the Night by Frank Sinatra