12-02-2012, 01:42 AM
The Dark Knight Rises
12-02-2012, 01:54 AM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 12-02-2012, 01:59 AM por Ulises.)
La verdad no pregunté del digi, todavía no las exhibían ya que ni etiqueta tenía... Y eran como las 11pm y ya no había gente... Mañana debes encontrar sin broncas.
En el de Satelite también la llevo bien con ellos pero según no les llegó nada en venta, hasta el lunes me dijo...
12-02-2012, 02:26 AM
Chulada de edicion el digibook, ojalá todas las peliculas que valen la pena tuvieran ediciones asi.
"In my life... i love you more..."
12-02-2012, 02:38 AM
Ese digibook es la onda
12-02-2012, 02:45 AM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 12-02-2012, 09:49 AM por gonzalo MX.)
No sé de dónde salio el rumor de que alguna edición vendría sin el disco de extras, no es costumbre de Warner MX aplicarla así. Yo nunca lo dudé, y ahí les va:
Sam's tiene la normal + Tarjetas exclusivas de ellos, $279, la pagué con tarjeta de regalo y luego la vendí en Blockbuster por 130 (me quedé con las tarjetas, DVD, BD extras y el slip) y ya nomás pagué $249 por el Digibook ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
12-02-2012, 08:47 AM
Buenas fotos, pero algo grandes, saben como hacerle para que salgan mas pequenas y se mas facial apreciarlas?
12-02-2012, 09:46 AM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 12-02-2012, 09:47 AM por drsnarf.)
Sí, lo sé y lo siento. Yo siempre uso imageshack, en la versión Desktop de la página subo las fotos con resize, pero en la versión mobile no existe esa opción, se aceptan sugerencias.
12-02-2012, 11:10 AM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 12-02-2012, 11:10 AM por drsnarf.)
Gracias por los resizes Gonzalo, apenas me había puesto en Desktop para modificarlas
12-02-2012, 12:52 PM
Aquí en Morelia ya la están vendiendo en los BB, pero al menos por teléfono dicen que no les llegó en DigiBook, que es el que interesa en primer lugar. Al rato que me de una vuelta veré si lo consigo o si en su lugar me traigo el SteelBook.
12-02-2012, 12:55 PM
Gracias a atlante777 me fui a Liverpool de Parque Delta y si ahí las tienen, pregunten directamente en caja, en exhibición solo está la máscara.
![]() Digibook $299 Steelbook $299
12-02-2012, 01:02 PM
Llegue tempranito a Plaza Cumbres, Liverpool aun cerrado asi que mi dinero se fue con Saharis. Me traje el Digibook por $319. Tenían bastantes copias de todas las versiones.
12-02-2012, 01:13 PM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 12-02-2012, 01:29 PM por edubol33.)
Les aviso!! acabo de regresar de plaza satelite al norte en tlalnepantla, y ya estan vendiendo todas las ediciones en MIXUP y SANBORNS!
Entre por liverpool pero no tenian nada la srita no me supo ni decir que onda! Despues me fue directo a Sanborns y ahi si tienen todas! El slipcover, el digibook, el steelbook, la mascara, y las trilogias en dvd y blu ray por cierto la de dvd esta padre. Yo compre el Digibook!! esta padrisimo mas adelante pongo fotos Estuve a punto de comprar la mascara pero tengo otros gastos y mejor no me aloque Precios: Mixup, Digibook $355, Steelbook $355 o algo mas no me fije bien pero anda por ahi, Mascara $610 Sanborns. Digibook $389 Mascara $610 pero todo tienen el 20% de descuento y pague $311 ![]() En Mixup tenian pocos Digibooks alcance a ver 2! En sanborns si tenian como 10 menos el mio jajajaj Asi que chicos en verdad aprovechen y vayan a esos lugares en Mixup estaban volando. Llego mucho antes a Mexico!!! y seguro estos dias volaran todas las ediciones especiales y solo quedara la normal! Y gracias a Warner pues se ve que se trajo todos los digibooks para Mexico por eso los de USA se quedaron si nada ![]() por cierto TODAS las versiones de blu ray traen el disco de extras! en la etiqueta si dice Bluray + DVD pero trae 2 blu ray el de la movie y el de los extras y el dvd ok
12-02-2012, 01:41 PM
Iré de inmediato a Satelite... allá aparte el digibook que de alguna manera presentía que sería la edición más genial ya de paso me traigo el steel. Las postales se ven geniales, pero ehmmm no se... será luego junto con la Máscara.
12-02-2012, 01:53 PM
En BB La Huerta en Morelia ya la venden, pero sólo están vendiendo los DigiBook a los que la adquirieron en preventa. Ya compré el SteelBook y más tarde voy a Sanborns a ver si consigo el DB.
12-02-2012, 01:54 PM
12-02-2012, 01:54 PM
Practicamente me estan invitando a llegar tarde el Martes...
12-02-2012, 02:19 PM
Lo prometido es deuda
![]() Las puse lo mas claro que pude para que las disfruten al maximo ![]() OJO! el precio final que pague fue de 311 pesos ya con el 20% de descuento ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
12-02-2012, 02:52 PM
(12-02-2012, 01:54 PM)steel blu ray escribió: Hola amigos del foro, en este folleto de best buy mencionan esto. Es lo mismo que manejaron con los Steels de Batman Begins y The Dark Knight. A través de UV ves la copia digital y algún documental, no hay disco extra. En aquella ocasión fue un adelanto del documental The Dark Knight Reborn si no me falla la memoria. Yo te recomendaría ampliamente darte el gusto de ir por tu steel hoy mismo y de paso apoyamos el mercado nacional, ya que Warner definitivamente se saco un 10 con la variedad de ediciones que nos trajo y hay que alentarlos a que lo sigan haciendo... ![]()
12-02-2012, 03:08 PM
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 12-02-2012, 03:11 PM por Roberto Gaytan.)
Alguien que ya haya comprado la de mascara, que suba unas capturas, quiero ver como es y cuantos discos trae, Blockbuster hasta el 4 la quiere soltar y muy caras todas sus ediciones, de haber sabido ni la hubiera apartado y la hubiera comprado en Sanborns...
12-02-2012, 03:11 PM
Que bueno que si trae el disco de extras el Steelbook, por un momento pensé que no sería así.
Ahora sólo esperar a la promo de Block de fin de año para comprarlo ó igual y hasta un cambio en Salto del Agua.
12-02-2012, 03:32 PM
En la mañana fui a desayunar a Sanborns, saliendo vi que las estaban sacando. Al inicio dijeron que era estreno... pero en eso se voltearon a ver los cajeros y ya me dijeron "No, total, igual te hacemos el descuento". 311 por el digibook se me hace un excelente precio.
12-02-2012, 03:43 PM
12-02-2012, 03:54 PM
The Dark Knight Rises DVD & Blu-Ray - best prices, special features and compilation list of retailer exclusives & deals!
The Dark Knight Rises, the final installment of director Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, was released in movie theaters and in IMAX on July 20th, 2012. It earned over $448 million domestically and over one billion dollars worldwide since its release. This total makes it the second highest grossing movie of 2012 and the seventh highest grossing movie of all time domestically and worldwide. Nolan designed the first movie, Batman Begins, to be a gritty, more realistic take on the Batman universe. After the success of it, he began to see how a trilogy could be designed around the themes he was developing. He freely acknowledges that he originally didn’t have a trilogy in mind, but began to see the possibilities as it began to take on a life of its own. He said the resonating themes in his trilogy come from this key scene in Batman Begins: “It takes place on Bruce Wayne’s private jet, when the nascent dark knight explained his still-developing plan for saving Gotham to his longtime guardian, Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Caine): “People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can’t do that as Bruce Wayne. As a man, I’m flesh and blood. I can be ignored, I can be destroyed. But as a symbol — as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.” This quote was excerpted from this article here: http://insidemovies.ew.com/2012/07/18/th...n-trilogy/ This theme of Batman as a symbol reaches throughout his trilogy, and into what some would say, a proper and fitting conclusion. If you want to read Nolan’s full farewell letter to the Batman franchise, go here: http://collider.com/christopher-nolan-ba...er/183108/ . There are plans going on to reboot Batman movie continuity and add him to a movie based on the strengths of the entire DC Universe, called “Justice League”, which is being readied for summer 2015. Nolan is not done with the DC Universe, as he is also a producer of the new Man of Steel movie rebooting Superman, planned for release on June 14th, 2013. For anyone who wants to wait to purchase all three movies in one set, they are releasing the Dark Knight Trilogy Limited Edition Giftset. This set will be available either in a DVD or a Blu-Ray Trilogy Giftset, both of which are being released at the same time as this movie. It has a premium book exclusive to the collection and supposedly has all of the existing special features found on previous movie releases. The book is 64 pages, excerpted from the existing book “The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy.” For the sake of space, I will not be doing a price comparison of the either the DVD or the Blu-Ray Trilogy Giftsets, as pricing has been pretty standard across the board for these sets, with no variation in price that I have seen in a glance. It’s been $19.99 for the DVD Giftset and $29.99 for the Blu-Ray Giftset. If you see a higher price than those, it’s not a good price. If that wasn’t enough, there is news that a “Dark Knight Trilogy Ultimate Collector’s Edition” is coming out sometime in 2013, featuring all three movies and, most likely, a ton of new special features. There is no news what will be in this one as of yet, but it is likely to be even more comprehensive on the special features than the Limited edition Giftset coming out on Tuesday. This highly-anticipated movie drops on DVD and Blu-Ray this Tuesday, Dec. 4th, 2012. This New Release Thread will be a big one, with quite a few retailer exclusives! Here are all the details: __________________________________________________________________________ DVD/Blu-Ray Editions: There are six editions: 1.) A Single-Disc Edition DVD + Ultraviolet Digital Copy, available in Widescreen only 2.) A Two-Disc Special Edition DVD (Walmart Exclusive) 3.) A Three Disc DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack + Ultraviolet Digital Copy 4.) A Three Disc DVD/Blu-ray Limited Edition Bat Cowl Combo Pack + Ultraviolet Digital Copy 5.) A Three Disc DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack + Ultraviolet Digital Copy in Digibook packaging with Lenticular cover (Target Exclusive) 6.) A Three Disc DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack + Ultraviolet Digital Copy with Steelbook packaging + Bonus Documentary (Best Buy Exclusive) Details of the documentary and other exclusives are listed in the “Exclusives & Deals” section further down in this thread. A JPEG of each cover is also below. __________________________________________________________________________ DVD & Blu-Ray Special Features: 1.) The Single-Disc DVD Edition: • includes UltraViolet Digital Copy • no other known special features 2.) A Two-Disc Special Edition DVD (Walmart Exclusive): Details are few, but it looks like it will have most, if not all of the special features from the Combo Pack, see below. 3.) The Three Disc DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack + Ultraviolet Digital Copy •The Batmobile "Short" Feature: The short film's actually an hour long documentary on the history of the Caped Crusader's automobile. •Trailer Archive: Containing four trailers for the film. •Print Campaign Art Gallery: containing 31 pieces of advertising for the film that you may or may not have seen. The most expansive part of the features is split into three "Behind the Scenes" sections, collectively titled “Ending The Knight”: Production: • High-Altitude Hijacking: The making of the plane crash in the beginning of the film • Return to the Batcave: what went in to building the Batcave for the final film including a time-lapse of its creation. • Beneath Gotham: Inside the making of Bane's lair. • Concept art and the creation of Batman's jet, the Bat. • Batman vs Bane: What went into the primary fight scene between the Dark Knight and the mercenary. • Armory Accepted: How Bane's men broke into Applied Sciences to steal Batman's arsenal of weapons. • Gameday Destruction: How the production team blew up the football field and made the stadium appear filled. • Demolishing a City Street: How the crew blew up a Gotham street when Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character John Blake drove down it. • The Pit: What went into designing the hole where Bruce Wayne was trapped located in India. • The Chant: How director Christopher Nolan's team came up with the repeated words that became the inspiration for Bane's score. • The War on Wall Street: How Nolan brought the massive fight in front of the stock exchange in New York City come to life with 1,100 people. • Race to the Reactor: How the crew made the chase scenes between the Batpod, Tumbler, and the trucks. Characters: • The Journey of Bruce Wayne: How Nolan brought his version of Batman full circle in TDKR and how the character of Wayne grew and changed in the three films. • Gotham's Reckoning: Nolan and Tom Hardy share how they converted the adapted Bane for the Nolan-verse with some early concept art on what the villain could have looked like. (So far, this is one of our favorite features of the disc.) • A Girl's Gotta Eat: How Nolan went about casting Anne Hathaway for his version of Catwoman and how she cemented her own branding of the character. Reflections: • Shadows & Light In Large Format: Nolan and the crew sound off on the challenge of shooting the film largely in IMAX. • The End of a Legend: Nolan, Christian Bale, and the team open up on completing the Dark Knight trilogy. 4.) A The Three Disc DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack + Ultraviolet Digital Copy The same features as listed for the above edition, only packaged in a Bat Cowl Collectible packaging. A JPEG of the packaging for each edition is below. _________________________________________________________________________ Best Prices: I did a price comparison on both the internet and this week’s circulars with Amazon.com, Best Buy, Bestbuy.com, Barnesandnoble.com, Buy.com, Costco.com (no listings for some reason), DeepDiscount.com, Frys.com, FYE, FYE.com, Kmart.com/Sears.com, Overstock.com, Target, Target.com, Toys R Us, ToysRUs.com and Wal-mart.com. Unless otherwise noted or known by me, the prices are the same in store and online at their respective websites. I noted shipping in the price rankings because of the competition between stores, but I will only be comparing base prices of the movie. Shipping costs will not factor into the price rankings as a result. Please note that with these price rankings, these prices are as current as I am aware of. Walmart's in-store prices don't always match its website prices, for example. As a result, these prices are as accurate as I can verify from the internet and flyers from the newspaper, I don't put prices in the rankings that I cannot verify. Competition will be fierce between stores on this movie, so I fully expect there to be further price changes on Tuesday when the movie is released to stores. I’ll be updating this thread again on Tuesday and double-checking all the prices. For example, Kmart.com/Sears.com will presumably sell all versions of this movie, but there are no listings for it online but only in Kmart's circular. So I can only rank the store and not the website. I also know from experience that FYE's B&M store prices are the same as those on their website, so I made one listing for both. In other words, these stores reserve the right to change their prices and I might not know about it. That's where the SD community can help each other out and if new or different prices are verified, I will edit my post accordingly. I’m making a slight adjustment to my price rankings, as I will now only include the top 5 prices in this thread. Basically, if your price stinks, you don’t get to be a part of this compilation list. I will still do a full price comparison to all the stores I listed above, but only the best prices will be included here. So if you don’t see a particular store on the list, it means their price wasn’t good enough to be included. Here are the conclusions: ******************************************************************************************************** The Single-Disc DVD Edition: Here are the complete price rankings: First, BEST Price: Amazon.com - $14.96 (free shipping over $25 or free with Prime) First, BEST Price: Walmart.com - $14.96 (free shipping) 2nd: Best Buy/BestBuy.com - $14.99 (free shipping on website) 2nd: Target/Target.com - $14.99 (plus free shipping on orders over $50 on website) 2nd: Toys R Us/ToysRUs.com - $14.99 (plus free shipping over $49 on website) 3rd: Kmart - $16.99 4th: BarnesandNoble.com - $17.39 (free shipping over $25) 5th: Frys.com - $17.99 (free shipping) 5th: FYE/FYE.com - $17.99 (with Backstage Pass discount) (free shipping over $30) ******************************************************************************************************** 2.) The Three Disc DVD/Blu-ray Combo Pack + Ultraviolet Digital Copy Complete price rankings: First, BEST Price: Amazon.com - $18.99 (free shipping over $25 or free with Prime) First, BEST Price: Best Buy/BestBuy.com - $18.99 (free shipping on website) 2nd: Kmart - $19.99 2nd: Target - $19.99 3rd: BarnesandNoble.com - $21.59 (free shipping over $25) 4th: Walmart.com - $24.96 (free shipping) 5th: Best Buy/BestBuy.com - $24.99 (Steelbook exclusive) (free shipping on website) 5th: DeepDiscount.com - $24.99 (free shipping) 5th: Frys.com - $24.99 (free shipping) 5th: Target.com - $24.99 (plus free shipping on orders over $50 on website) 5th: Target - $24.99 (Digibook exclusive) (plus free shipping on orders over $50 on website) ******************************************************************************************************** 3.) A Three Disc DVD/Blu-ray Limited Edition Bat Cowl Combo Pack + Ultraviolet Digital Copy Complete price rankings: First, BEST Price: Walmart.com - $34.96 (free shipping) 2nd: Best Buy/BestBuy.com - $34.99 (free shipping on website) 3rd: DeepDiscount.com: $38.42 (free shipping) No other major retailers that I can find are stocking this item. For example, Amazon.com had a link to it but no price, nor is it available to pre-order, just a link telling you to sign-up to be notified when it becomes available. It’s possible that the link will come online Tuesdsay when the movie is released. FYE.com didn’t have a listing for this either at the time this was being compiled. __________________________________________________________________________ Don't forget that you can price match any edition of this DVD or Blu-Ray to the store of your choice, if they have a price matching policy. There might also be some store-specific coupons or online coupon codes floating around that could help bring some of these prices down further. Given the price competition for this movie, there are some great price-matching opportunities, especially due to the aggressive price matching policies stores like Best Buy and Target have implemented this holiday season. __________________________________________________________________________ Exclusives & Deals: There are multiple exclusives available for this movie, check them out: Best Buy: Best Buy and its website will have the exclusive 35 minute documentary The Dark Knight Reborn, with behind the scenes footage of The Dark Knight Trilogy. It also features director and actor commentary of the Dark Knight legend. This documentary will be packaged with the exclusive Steelbook editon of the DVD/BR/UV Combo Pack, featuring a different cover. Priced at $24.99: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/The+Dark+Kni...&lp=1&cp=1 . If you pre-order this edition, then the documentary download will automatically be added to your cart. To download this, you must have a CinemaNow account, which is free, and it plays on CinemaNow.com and on CinemaNow enabled HDTV’s and products. A trailer for the documentary is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Auql1MUlb2w If you’re interested in buying the Dark Knight Trilogy, the exclusive documentary discussed above is also included when you purchase the Blu-Ray trilogy giftset from Best Buy. Priced at $34.99: https://deals.bestbuy.com/movies+amp+mus...luray+disc . A JPEG of the cover is below. Target: Target will have an exclusive Digibook for The Dark Knight Rises Blu-ray combo pack. The Digibook features a 25-page comic depicting the prologue from the film plus 7 pages of filmmaker concept art. Each copy includes an exclusive lenticular lens cover designed to showcase images of Batman vs. Bane when held from different angles. Priced at $24.99, there is no link available to buy it on the website yet. It will most likely become available online on Tuesday when the movie is released. Target has a history of doing this with exclusives available in the store, and doesn’t put them online until then. I don’t expect them to behave any different this time. A JPEG of this edition is below. Walmart.com: They are the only retailer to have a Two-Disc Special Edition DVD set, with most or all of the special features available on the second disc. Priced at $19.96: http://www.walmart.com/ip/21889634?adid=...la&veh=sem A JPEG of this exclusive is below. __________________________________________________________________________ I included as much pertinent information on this new release that I could find so everyone can make a more educated decision on whether to purchase this movie or not, as well as which edition they prefer. And that is the end of this compilation, my fourth New Release Thread for the year 2012. This one was a little easier to write in comparison to the one I wrote for Marvel’s The Avengers a couple of months ago. Remember, if you’re going to fight a super villain in the sewers of Gotham City, don’t go alone, you might get hurt or something. Learn from your mistakes and bring an army with you to fight his thugs next time. For more information on my New Release Threads for blockbuster DVD and Blu-Ray releases, please click here: hhttp://slickdeals.net/forums/sdsearch.php?mode=forum&searchuserid=410841&showposts=0&starteronly=1. Look for my next New Release Thread sometime in 2013!
12-02-2012, 03:55 PM
Voy llegando del BB con mi Digibook..como ya vieron en las fotos esta muy padre!!..solo tenian a la venta la version normal y al preguntarles en caja me sacaron el Digibook.Steelbook y la mascara..la verdad dificil desicion pero al final me convencio mas el Digi.. En la especial del 25 al 6 de enero si esta todavia comprare el steelbook que tambien me gusto mucho...
Plasma: Panasonic TC-P50S2 Full HD
LCD LED: Samsung UN40EH6030F 3D Full HD Reproductor Blu Ray: Panasonic DMP-BD60 Reproductor Blu Ray 3D: Samsung BD-E5500 http://miketkt.dvdaf.com/owned
12-02-2012, 04:16 PM
Tanto digibook como steelcase 299 en Liverpool
“Siempre que triunfemos seremos la alegría de quienes nos aman y la envidia de quienes nos odian”
12-02-2012, 05:20 PM
(12-02-2012, 03:32 PM)Angelus Darko escribió: En la mañana fui a desayunar a Sanborns, saliendo vi que las estaban sacando. Al inicio dijeron que era estreno... pero en eso se voltearon a ver los cajeros y ya me dijeron "No, total, igual te hacemos el descuento". 311 por el digibook se me hace un excelente precio. Exacto realmente 311 pesos por el digibook fue excelente ![]() Se me hace que todos los digibooks se vinieron a Mexico ![]()
12-02-2012, 05:24 PM
Edmundo tiene el premio a la respuesta kilometrica del año
Enviado desde mi LG-E510f usando Tapatalk 2
Todos mis BDs en venta, escucho propuestas.
12-02-2012, 05:51 PM
(12-02-2012, 02:52 PM)varikelo escribió:(12-02-2012, 01:54 PM)steel blu ray escribió: Hola amigos del foro, en este folleto de best buy mencionan esto. Entonces, NO tendra disco extra la vercion de best buy verdad, muchas gracias amigo, el steel nacional sera ![]() ![]() saludos.
12-02-2012, 06:03 PM
Leo best Buy y me confundo todo...
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