Mensajes: 837
Temas: 91
Registro en: Nov 2002
Pues aqui ando como siempre, dandoles lata pidiendoles que me firmen una peticion para ver si logramos ayudar, en esta ocasion a las pobres focas de canada, que ya mero les llega su dia de matanza :cry: espero que podamos hacer algo para ayudarlas, gracias de antemano por su apoyo y ahi le encargo que le digan a mas personas que firmen la peticion. Todavia no me cabe como hay viejas mafufas creidas de la "alta suciedad" va por ti JLO mugrosa mata animales y pendejos raperos que usen pieles de animales :? Pinche gente que nomas quieren verse "bien" a costa de la vida de otros seres...... ... 1143388056
Aqui tienen un antes y un despues, ojala y no existiera el despues :cry:
Mensajes: 4,890
Temas: 474
Registro en: Nov 2003
Mensajes: 669
Temas: 23
Registro en: Jun 2005
Cory te falto poner la liga para firmar la petición ![Sad Sad]( lo que mas coraje me dio :x :x :x es que ayer en una entrevista, el primer ministro de Canada dijo que es imposible ya parar estas matanzas :x :x :x digo que no pueden aprobar leyes que lo prohiban o castigos muy severos para esta crueldad :x :x :x .....ches políticos.
Mensajes: 837
Temas: 91
Registro en: Nov 2002
Sorry :S ya puse el link para que puedan firmar
Mensajes: 1,704
Temas: 52
Registro en: Dec 2003
Hace unas semanas en CNN estuvieron Paul McCartney y su esposa y un personaje del gobierno de Canada con Larry King. Paul y su esposa defendiendo arduamente a las focas y el estupido tipo que envio el gobierno Canada para defender su postura no hizo mas que enfurecerme. Esta gente quiere justificar la matanza atroz que cometen con argumentos que solo producen mas enojo para quien los escucha.
Ayer leia que la delgada capa de hielo de este año ha aumentado la muerte de focas bebe entre un 25 y 75%, a eso sumenle las 325,000 focas que el gobierno canadiense autorizo a ejecutar y ya estamos ante un problema grave para el futuro.
Este mismo problema, ha causado que los cazadores las maten desde la distancia con rifles, con la obvia desbandada ante la explosion del proyectil. eL fin de semana ya hubieron incidentes entre barcos de cazadores y lanchas de observadores. Dos lanchas fueron embestidas por estos barcos, ante la aparente pasividad del gobierno canadiense.
La clasica doble moral de los paises "civilizados".
Como diablos puede uno pagar por un abrigo de piel obtenido de esta manera ??? :x :x :x
Mientras, Paul solicito a la comunidad mundial un boicot hacia productos canadienses !!! Creo que esta sera la unica manera de que Canada deje de autorizar estas matanzas, solo les importa el dinero, pueden enviar decenas de miles de firmas, mientras el dinero siga entrando a sus bolsillos, nada cambiara.
Hay que apoyar al ex-Beattle en su causa. Es la unica manera.
Mensajes: 8,939
Temas: 578
Registro en: Oct 2002
Deberían de repartir palos con clavos (mínimo) al que lo desee y que vaya a darle de palazos a los que participan de esta matanza de focas. Ya estoy firmando...
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Mensajes: 3,661
Temas: 128
Registro en: Dec 2002
Que poca madre de cabrones¡¡¡¡ Siempre me ha indignado esto¡¡
Ya firmé¡¡
Mensajes: 837
Temas: 91
Registro en: Nov 2002
Muchas gracias, por el apoyo, si es monstruoso como hay personas que tienen corazon para matar a bebes, si matan bebes de otras especies, pues que les falta para matar a bebes de su misma especie, a poco no?
Siempre he pensado que nosotros vemos espantoso el hecho de matar a otros seres para vestirnos y comerlos, y mucha gente no lo ve mal al contrario lo justifica con millones de argumentos :evil: pero el hecho es que imaginense esto, digamos que existe una raza superior a nosotros, asi como nosotros creemos que somos superiores sobre los animales, pues la raza superior al vernos tan primitivos pensarian que somos su ganado tambien y que tienen todo el derecho de alimentarse y vestirse de nosotros por que como somos inferiores a ellos, pues Dios nos hizo para comida de ellos por ser "inferiores", a ver ellos harian cacerias de bebes blanquitos, rubios y bonitos, en vez de focas bebes blancas y peludas, y que tendria de malo, hay exceso de bebes humanos, mas que de focas bebes, los usarian para adornar sus bolsas, sus billeteras, tal vez su carne sea muy rica, por que es suave y fresca, pueden poner sus cabecitas en la pared de adorno, al igual y se verian bonitas, ahi una carita de ojitos azules y cabello rubio, que adorable adorno para la sala de caceria de estos seres, ah y tambien tenemos variedad de pieles y colores, podrian tener un bebe de cada nacionalidad en su pared. Asi que como la ven chavos y chavas, es el mismo razonamiento que usamos nosotros para abusar de los animales, nos agarramos de que Dios los hizo para eso, pues entonces quien duda que a nosotros nos hizo para comida de otros seres mas chidos que nosotros. :? tambien podrian usarnos para torearnos meternos en ruedos y picarnos con espadas y cosas afiladas o bien ellos podrian inventar juegos para divertirse y que al final nosotros salgamos muertos, torturados o heridos, que divertido, asi es la verdad. Ojala no existan esos seres ![Tongue Tongue]( pero seria un buen escarmiento para muchos humanos que gustan de la caceria, el toreo, pesca y demas diversiones malsanas disque "deportivas" de "entretenimiento" que por nada del mundo se justifican.
Este año no pudimos hacer mucho por las focas, esperemos que el proximo todavia existan focas que proteger :cry: y demas creaturas que sufren por la crueldad humana...
Aqui les dejo otro link, este es de PETA y trae video, no me atrevi a verlo, no pude esta vez ... ekly_enews
Mensajes: 1,704
Temas: 52
Registro en: Dec 2003
Aqui esta la liga con la informacion sobre McCartney:
Paul McCartney Joins Effort to Save Baby Seals
Beatle Power Overwhelms Defender of Seal Slaughter
Premier Danny Williams did not have a chance. Like a deer caught in the headlights, he was as helpless as a baby seal when he foolishly attempted to take on the legendary Beatle and his wife in a humiliating defense of the indefensible massacre of new born seals.
Sir Paul McCartney and Lady Heather Mills McCartney were brilliantly articulate and their defense of the seals on last nights Larry King show was an incredible boost for the campaign to end the brutally cruel slaughter of seals.
“My heart was filled with hope to hear the McCartney’s defense of the seals. They knew their facts and they were not intimidated by Premier Danny Williams, the Premier of Newfoundland.” Said Captain Paul Watson, the President of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
Premier Williams attempted to steer the argument away from the issue but Heather put him in his place by pointing out that he was doing what most politicians do by trying to deflect the issue.
William’s defense of the sealers as humane was pathetic and lost all credibility with the images shown of the seals choking and convulsing in their own blood on the ice. William’s argument that the seals were shot and not clubbed was shown to be a lie by the same images, and by interviews with sealers holding their clubs. Even more pathetic was William trying to say that the people who defend the seals are terrorists and are under investigation for terrorism.
The World Wildlife Fund did not win any points when Williams announced that he had their support. And the International Fund for Animal Welfare must have been outraged to hear Williams say that the sealers had the support of IFAW, which they don’t and never will.
Most importantly Paul and Heather promoted the boycott of Canadian Seafood Products and pointed out that the boycott of snow crabs from Newfoundland alone had cost the Canadian seafood industry 129 million dollars, a fact that Williams could not deny.
They specifically mentioned the boycott of Red Lobster twice which will put considerable pressure on the restaurant chain to stop their purchase of Canadian fish. Last week Trader Joe’s joined Whole Food Market and thousands of restaurants that have signed on to the boycott of Canadian seafood.
Heather and Paul stayed on the issue and did not allow themselves to be distracted by Williams. Recently elected Prime Minister Stephen Harper is most likely regretting his decision to have Williams speak for him. That decision made Harper to appear cowardly, a world leader afraid to debate a Beatle and his choice of Williams demonstrates his complete ignorance of the issue.
If Williams is the best defender of the slaughter that Canada can produce then the battle for the hearts and minds of the public has been lost to Canada. They should end the seal hunt now and save some dignity.
Rebecca Aldworth and the Humane Society of the United States are to be commended for bringing the McCartney’s to the ice. They allowed the McCartney’s to deliver the message on their own and they were terrific.
Williams invited Paul and Heather to Newfoundland to defend the cod which he says were wiped out by European fisheries. The fact is that it was the Canadian draggers that were responsible for the destruction of the cod, not the seals and not foreign fishermen.
When Williams said that Canada had the best scientists in the world managing the seals, Heather quickly pointed out that they were the same scientists who mismanaged the cod.
Heather knew her stuff and she was passionate about it. Paul radiated confidence and both of them strongly refuted William’s insulting accusation that they were being used by those who opposed the seal hunt.
The Newfoundland Premier, Canadian politicians and the sealers can ridicule the opinions of celebrities all they like but the fact remains is that the public listens when they speak and the international public has become very aware of the bloody, cruel, barbaric and archaic slaughter of seals by Canadians because of outspoken celebrities who have gone to the ice, people like Richard Dean Anderson, Martin Sheen, Farley Mowat, and Brigitte Bardot.
This visit to the ice by Paul and Heather has sent images of the seals around the globe. They have led a media charge that has broken the lines of the Canadian defense of this slaughter and they have invigorated and passionately motivated seal defenders around the world.
“Well done Paul. Well done Heather, You have made a major contribution in defense of the seals and for the cause of ending this horrific slaughter and we thank-you.” Said Captain Paul Watson.
Captain Paul Watson
Founder and President - Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Director - Sierra Club USA
Director - The Farley Mowat Institute
Director - Atlantic Grey Whale Society
President - Oceanic Research and Conservation Action Force
P.O. Box 2616
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Tel: 360-370-5650 Cell: 310-701-3096
E-mail: <!-- e --><a href="mailto"></a><!-- e -->
Website: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
Aqui hay mas info:
For over half a century, compassionate people have tried to put an end to the senseless killing of baby harp seals in Canada; yet it has continued.
But now we have a winning strategy that is embraced by dozens of organizations in the U.S. and even more around the globe!
Here are some specific ways of implementing this strategy:
Get out and meet people!
I. Participate in or plan any number of public awareness events and other actions including:
setting up information tables at farmers' markets, pedestrian malls, fairs and festivals;
speaking at schools and civic group meetings;
staging media events, engaging in street activism and performance art;
handing out leaflets at seafood restaurants, supermarkets, fairs and festivals and anywhere people are standing in line.
Be creative! Be bold! The seals are depending on us.
Keep focusing on the RED LOBSTER RESTAURANT CHAIN! If we can put enough pressure on Red Lobster, we can get this huge restaurant chain to do the right thing for the seals. This could mean the end of the seal slaughter in record time!
If you're shy and have difficulty approaching strangers, you can try using these lines:
“Learn how you can stop the seal slaughter just by boycotting Canadian seafood,” or “Read about how you can save seals by boycotting Canadian seafood,” or even, “Would you like something to read while you wait in line?”
Part of the key to success is to get media attention. If you are planning a media-worthy event, please contact local print and broadcast media. Don't forget the weekly papers and college papers and radio stations! Let us know if you need help crafting a press release.
II. Start or join a Meetup group in your area.
Meet with fellow seal activists to plan events, brainstorm ideas, go on leafleting outings, etc. It's a great way to meet new people who also care about the seals!
III. Recruit restaurants, supermarkets, and distributors to the boycott with's Boycott Recruitment Committee and Sea Shepherd's "SEAL OF APPROVAL" campaign!
This project takes the boycott campaign directly to ALL businesses that sell Canadian Seafood (in addition to Red Lobster). Sea Shepherd Conservation Society will send you a kit to take to vendors as you ask them to join the boycott. Our Boycott Recruitment Committee Chair, Sue Hirsch, will provide you with guidance and, if you wish to expand your reach beyond your home town, a list of distributors to contact by phone and email.
Be creative with our "Do it Yourself" seal advertising projects
Make a banner.
Check our Opposition Toolbox templates—and hang it outside your apartment or office window, or anywhere that it will be seen by many people. (Crossed any busy overpasses lately?)
Turn your car into a Sealmobile!
You can be your own billboard! It's simple, quick, and inexpensive to make your car a mobile advertisement for the seal campaign. You can use "Window Chalk"markers (available at party supply and craft stores and commonly used for "for sale" messages). Or you can make your own decals, bumper stickers, and car magnets. You can even create a rooftop "taxi" billboard. See the Opposition Toolbox for templates and details.
Make custom seal stickers.
You can get ink jet printable sticker sheets at office supply stores and then put just about any image and message on them to stick anywhere! Check out the ideas and templates in the Opposition Toolbox.
Put your gift of gab & penmanship skills to use!
Call a radio talk show and tell all the listeners about the seal massacres and the Canadian seafood boycott that will finally force an end to it.
Tell everyone you know about the seafood boycott.
Send emails to listservs you’re on, mention it in chat rooms, talk about it with friends and relatives, etc.
Phone, email, fax, mail letters, and talk to key targets from industry and government.
Click here for our list of targets including managers at supermarkets and restaurants that sell Canadian seafood, Canadian government officials and politicians, and newspapers and press. Give 'em a piece of your mind.
Contact fashion houses that use seal skins to tell them you won’t buy their clothes and accessories until they stop buying seal skins.
Ask webmasters on sites you frequent to put our eyecatching flash seal banners up on their web sites. (Or add them to your own site!)
Have fun…for a good cause!
Purchase and wear our t-shirts and other merchandise.
You can buy them online in our store and watch for a new design soon!
Organize fundraisers for in your community. You can plan them in a Meetup group (see above), in a local animal or environmental protection group, or with a bunch of friends!
Some ways to raise funds include hosting a dinner and asking for a donation at the door, asking local restaurants and night clubs to give a percentage of their profits one night to, arranging a benefit concert with local bands or a talent show, hosting a charity auction, taking up a collection at your work or school to “adopt a billboard for the seals” in your community, etc. The sky is the limit!
If you want to organize an event that might generate media attention, we can help you write a press release. Let us know what you’re planning, and be sure to send us pictures to put up on the web site!
Mensajes: 1,704
Temas: 52
Registro en: Dec 2003
Leyendo las ligas que les comente, me encuentro que MEXICO no esta libre de estas estupideces !!! Aparecemos en la lista de consumidores de estas pieles !!! :x :x :x
Las cantidades son brutales en otros paises, pero el que un pais con nuestro clima los consuma, es increible.
........Although the European WHITE COAT ban instigated in 1986 had a dramatic effect on the seal pelt market, it is a troubling fact that the world demand for seal pelts is now growing. The victims? Baby seals just grown out of their whitecoat stage.
(95% of the seals killed in the Canadian seal hunt are between 12 days and 4 months old.)
Pelt prices are at their highest in years, and furriers and fashion moguls are attempting new marketing directions to revise the once struggling industry.
The following are the country-by-country seal skin export statistics from Industry Canada . The numbers are the "raw" seal skin exports in Canadian dollars.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Norway 3,046,648 5,998,388 6,858,225 6,761,996
Greenland 2,108,421 4,000,000
Finland 300 509,888 1,912,936
Hong Kong 155 80,521 380,338
Germany 86,270 11,390 1,117,775 255,288
Turkey 62,556
Russia 21,397 30,365
Denmark 389,953 749,155 562,625 148,130 11,285
Kazakhstan 496
Mexico 13
Subtotal 476,123 3,795,958 6,572,703 10,844,357 13,415,213
Others 75,507 529,346 684,191 821,518
Total 552,630 4,325,304 7,256,894 11,665,875 13,415,213
Which companies sell finished seal fur coats, accessories, and trinkets?
Help stop the seal slaughter by boycotting ALL products from the following companies.
Birger Christensen
Ostergade 38
DK-1100 Copenhagen K Denmark
Phone: 45 33 11 55 55
Fax: 45 33 93 21 35
<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Makes and sells harp seal fur garments. In their store, they also sell harp seal fur garments made by Prada and Dolce & Gabbana.
Prada S.P.A.
Via Andrea Maffei, 2
20154 Milan, Italy
Phone: 39 02 54 67 01
Prada (U.S. office)
Katherine Ross, V.P. of Communications
610 W. 52nd St.
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212 307 9300
Dolce & Gabbana
Via Goldoni, 10,
20129 Milano, Italy.
+39 02 774271
Fax +39 02 76020600.
685 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10022
<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Donatella Versace
Versace S.P.A. Headquarters
Via Manzoni, 38
Milan ITALY 20121
Phone: 39 02 76 09 31
Fax: 39 02 76 00 41 22
Mensajes: 1,761
Temas: 37
Registro en: Jan 2003
carlosvp escribió:Leyendo las ligas que les comente, me encuentro que MEXICO no esta libre de estas estupideces !!! Aparecemos en la lista de consumidores de estas pieles !!! :x :x :x
The following are the country-by-country seal skin export statistics from Industry Canada . The numbers are the "raw" seal skin exports in Canadian dollars.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Norway 3,046,648 5,998,388 6,858,225 6,761,996
Greenland 2,108,421 4,000,000
Finland 300 509,888 1,912,936
Hong Kong 155 80,521 380,338
Germany 86,270 11,390 1,117,775 255,288
Turkey 62,556
Russia 21,397 30,365
Denmark 389,953 749,155 562,625 148,130 11,285
Kazakhstan 496
Mexico 13
Subtotal 476,123 3,795,958 6,572,703 10,844,357 13,415,213
Others 75,507 529,346 684,191 821,518
Total 552,630 4,325,304 7,256,894 11,665,875 13,415,213
Esta tabla esta rara o tiene algun error... dice que las cantidades estan en dolares canadienses :?
Aunque aun asi es una verguenza, implica que Canada exporto a Mexico 13 dolares canadienses de piel de foca.
13 dolares de piel no dan ni para forrar el tablero de un taxista :?
Con todo y todo, es terrible lo que pasa... hay que apoyar las campañas propuestas para evitar la matanza :evil:
Saludos desde Guadalajara, Mexico
Alejandro Ramirez
Mensajes: 502
Temas: 14
Registro en: Dec 2003
Lex escribió:13 dolares de piel no dan ni para forrar el tablero de un taxista :?
Definitivamente seria dificil aque algun taxista se forre el tablero con esta piel, pero tal vez si alcance para el tablero del taxi...
No mas espero que en mi siguiente vida no toque ser foca, toro de lidia o ballena... :o
Saludos de la banda de Los Tolerados...
Mensajes: 837
Temas: 91
Registro en: Nov 2002
Como de costumbre y como cada año no se pierden las esperanzas de q Canada se sensibilice ![Sad Sad]( no entiendo pa q matan tantas cada año, si ya casi ni hay, de hecho los pendejos cazadores se han quejado de q cada vez les es mas dificil encontrar focas, claro ni q fueran sus pendejas de regresar a donde ellas ya saben q las matan, si los animales bien recuerdan pobrecitas de por si el deshielo de los de los bloques de hielo donde viven ya las esta extinguiendo.... cuando van a parar la cazeria segun dijeron q era por sobrepoblacion.... pero ya casi ni hay q pasa... a caso quieren extinguir esa raza de focas?
ojala algun dia lo logremos
Mensajes: 837
Temas: 91
Registro en: Nov 2002
Por fin!!! una victoria, pense q nunca lo ibamos a lograr, le agradezco a todos los q ayudaron con sus firmas, y sus oraciones, claro esto es solo el principio para q dejen de matarlas pero ahi la llevamos ... for-seals/
Aqui echenle otra firmita para reforzar los avances ... m=19760427
Mensajes: 4,990
Temas: 307
Registro en: Oct 2002
Eso ya es un muy buen avance!
Eliseo Soto.
You just fucked with the wrong mexican!
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
eso es lo que se necesita, que les cierren el mercado!!
yo ya firmé Cory, y no tienes que agradecer nada, es casi casi una obligación moral hacerlo jeje
Mensajes: 837
Temas: 91
Registro en: Nov 2002
Pues es q nomas de ver como las matan, se siente uno obligado verdad :S y pues si es un hecho no hay demanda, pues se acaba la oferta, ya q no se les pudo convencer q lo hicieran para evitar el sufrimiento de los pobres animales, bueno ahora q les cierren los mercados y no habra mas demanda de tal producto
Mensajes: 3,386
Temas: 218
Registro en: Nov 2002
Uno igual pero de una foca...