06-26-2003, 03:03 PM
fuente: http://spanish.imdb.com/
Cita:'Star Wars' Title RiddleSaludos,
The final prequel in the Star Wars franchise will be entitled Episode III: An Empire Divided, according to reports on the internet. Internet critic Harry Knowles, of fabled film website Ain't It Cool News, received a tip off from an Australian contact who spotted an article in a local newspaper, in which a local casting agency talked about recruiting for the film. Correspondent Clinton Kardi noted the casting agency mentioned the title of the new movie, which will begin shooting in Australia shortly, as they talked to the journalist - but Lucasfilm has yet to confirm if the report is true. Frenzied speculation has surrounded the eagerly-awaited film - due for release in 2005 - which will be the last of the legendary Star Wars films from creator George Lucas.