09-14-2004, 09:52 AM
Hablando de Las Lois Lanes... ¿que les parece margot Kidder? Si, el interés romántico (en pantalla) de Christopher Reeve aparecerá en la siguiente temporada, asparecerá relacionada con el Dr. Swan, el personaje de Reeve.
Movie Poop Shoot escribió:The big screen's Lois Lane sizes up SMALLVILLE. SUPERMAN flame Margot Kidder has inked a deal with the WB to guest star on the net's boy-of-steel series opposite her former onscreen squeeze Christopher Reeve. Kidder plays a crony of Reeve's calculating-scientist character Dr. Swan in the show's upcoming season premiere. (As reported by E! Online)
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Keep on Rockin' in the free world...