10-13-2005, 10:29 PM
Supuestamente Koch Lorber, que son los que remasterizaron La Dolce Vita, pretendían sacar a finales del año el dvd de Los Olvidados. Pero parece que tienen broncas legales con Televisa :roll: . Supuestamente Televisa tiene los derechos mundiales (doble :roll: ) . Esto es lo que dice Tim Hinsley de Koch Lorber en Dvd Talk:
Y esto salio en el Criterionforum.org :
Cita:Olvidados is on hold for the moment while the various rights holders work out their issues. We still have the rights but are holding off.
Y esto salio en el Criterionforum.org :
Cita:Regarding Los Olvidados: I don't know if this has been mentioned elsewhere (apologies if that's the case), but according ot the June 27-July 10 issue of "Variety," there's a legal battle over the rights to the film between Films Sans Frontieres and Televisa. Televisa is claiming they own the exclusive worldwide rights filed a lawsuit against the company in April. Koch Lorber (whose re-release was licensed from FSF) and the Film Forum were also named. Koch apparently decided that Televisa's claim was sound and settled out of court (the article says they still plan to release the film on DVD, licensed from Televisa instead of FSF). So if you're worried how the Koch DVD will turn out, now might be a good time to grab the FSF release.