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Jharé escribió:no he encontrado nada relacionado con el dvd boxset. La fecha es muy proxima.

Saben uds algo?...
De salir algo, repito "de salir algo", lo mas logico es que lo anuncien ahora en Mayo durante el Celebration IV en Los Angeles. Es la mas grande reunion de starwars en los ultimos años, asi que algo tiene que salir de ahi ya que habran muchas conferencias y entrevistas a la gente de Lucasfilms.

Mi música
Bueno se que no es del DVD pero tiene que ver con la celebración del 30 Aniv de ESTAR GUARS Tongue

Son unas fotos que el amigo Ed nos ha mostrado en DVDMANIA :palmas:

DVDGeekoid escribió:Jajaja paseando por la ciudad ayer me tope con esta casilla de correo:

[Imagen: DSC00219.JPG]
[Imagen: DSC00220.JPG]

es para celebrar el 30 anniversario de Star Wars. Ademas van a salir unas estampas a fines de mayo con personajes, etc...
[Imagen: elmundo.jpg]
para australia:
ALL 6 Star Wars Movies for a Stellar $99.83!

Break out the lightsabres and stormtrooper costumes, it's the 30th anniversary of the greatest sextology in the galaxy! To celebrate this momentous occasion, EzyDVD are offering all 6 genre defining epics in a spectacular 12 disc bundle! For an out-of-this-world price of just $99.83, you're paying under $17 a movie which has to be the hottest price on the planet!

Order the Star Wars Sextology and SAVE!

Attention International Customers
This title will incur a $ 25.00 shipping & insurance charge in addition to the international price.
To display the international price please click on the currency converter link above.

This DVD is formatted for playback on PAL enabled systems (Australian Standard).

Includes delivery via Star Track Express (Australia Only)

Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Set thirty years before the original STAR WARS film, Episode 1 introduces young Anakin Skywalker, a boy with special powers, unaware that the journey he is beginning will transform him into the evil Darth Vader. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the wise old Jedi from the original series, is a determined young apprentice and Palpatine, well known as the evil Emperor, is an ambitious Senator in the Galactic Republic. It is a time when the young Jedi Knights are the guardians of peace in a turbulent galaxy and a young Queen fights to save her people. In the shadows lurks an evil force waiting for the right moment to attack.

Star Wars - Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Ten years after the events of The Phantom Menace, the galaxy has undergone significant change, and so have familiar heroes Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman) and Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen). They are thrown together again for the first time since the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo, and Anakin has grown into the accomplished Jedi apprentice of Obi-Wan, who has transitioned from student to teacher. The two Jedi are assigned to protect Padmé, whose life is threatened by a faction of political separatists. As relationships form and powerful forces collide, these heroes face choices that will impact not only their own fates, but the destiny of the Republic.

Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
After three long years of relentless fighting, the Clone Wars are nearly at an end. The Jedi Council despatches Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) to bring the deadly leader of the Separatist droid army to justice. Meanwhile, back on Coruscant, Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) has grown in power. His sweeping political changes transform the war-weary Republic into the mighty Galactic Empire. To his closest ally, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), he reveals the true nature of power and the promised secrets of the Force in an attempt to lure him to the dark side.

Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope
Part IV in a George Lucas epic, Star Wars: A New Hope opens with a rebel ship being boarded by the tyrannical Darth Vader. The plot then follows the life of a simple farmboy, Luke Skywalker, as he and his newly met allies (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2) attempt to rescue a rebel leader, Princess Leia, from the clutches of the Empire. The conclusion is culminated as the Rebels, including Skywalker and flying ace Wedge Antilles make an attack on the Empires most powerful and ominous weapon, the Death Star.

Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
In George Lucas' spellbinding Star Wars sequel, the battle to save the galaxy from the evil Darth Vader rages on. Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) and Chewbacca are tested in a devastating attack by the Imperial army and it' AT-AT Walkers. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) seeks out the ancient Yoda to learn the secrets of the Jedi... secrets Luke will need when the Dark Side of the Force beckons him in a destiny-defining duel with Darth Vader.

Star Wars - Episode VI: The Return Of The Jedi
As the Emperor himself oversees the construction of the new Death Star by Lord Darth Vader and the evil Galactic Empire, smuggler Han Solo is rescued from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt by his friends, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Chewbacca. Leaving Skywalker Jedi training with Yoda, Solo returns to the Rebel Fleet to prepare for to complete his battle with the Empire itself. During the ensuing fighting the newly returned Skywalker is captured by Vader. Can the Rebels, and their new found friends, the Ewoks, help restore freedom to the Galaxy?

Actors: Ewan McGregor Natalie Portman Hayden Christensen Christopher Lee Samuel L. Jackson Frank Oz Ian McDiarmid Mark Hamill Harrison Ford Carrie Fisher Peter Cushing Alec Guinness Anthony Daniels Kenny Baker Peter Mayhew David Prowse James Earl Jones
Director: George Lucas
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround EX
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1 16:9 Enhanced
Transfer Format: Widescreen
Category: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Region: 4
Format: DVD
Distributor: EzyDVD
Rating: M
Languages: English
Running Time: TBC mins
[Imagen: 794657.jpg]
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
pa el caso es lo mismo, son la 6 que ya conocemos, nada más amarradas con un mecatito, y la venden como super archi deluxe box set... el chiste sería que trajeran cosas nuevas!!!
No estaba seguro donde poner esto, ya que hay tantos Temas que "profetizan" esto...
Y bueno, ahora parece que ya es oficial (tomado de
[Imagen: dvd_saga1.jpg]
No se emocionen, no hay nada nuevo de material. Solo es el empaque nuevo.
En todo caso, yo si comprare el pack de las prequel, ya que siempre me abstuve de comprar las prequels en dvd, esperando esto.
Es para el 4 de Noviembre. En amazon ya estan a 36.99 c/u.
Ah, no se habla nada de Blu.

Mi música
Cuanto faltara para que salgan en blu?
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Pues el Lucas con tal de ganar lo mas posible exprimira hasta que pueda de la venta de DVDS's, y pues el Blu Ray tardará algo.
Vienen cosas buenas Big Grin
Disculpen la ignorancia, pero, me imagino que los 6 discos del pack de las prequels son los mismos 6 (2 por cada pelicula) que venian anteriormente. Lo que no entiendo es por que tambien son 6 discos para el pack de la trilogia original, si en el pack anterior eran 4 discos? sera que es como la edicion que viene en "lata" con las 2 versiones (original y remasterizada)? y donde queda el disco de extras?

Mi música
Eric, acabas de contestar a tus propias dudas. El boxset de la Precuela con 6 discos, son los mismos 6 discos (2 por cada pelicula) que venian anteriormente de manera individual. El boxset de la Trilogia con 6 discos, son los mismos 6 discos (2 por pelicula) que venian anteriormente de manera individual, que incluyen las versiones remasterizada y original, por lo que no hay extras para la Trilogia Original.
Formato Físico Forever
Entonces la versiones remasterizadas en el disco de extras, traia basicamente una comparacion vs las originales?
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
$%%*!!! Entonces no puedo vender mi pack de la trilogia original... pensaba venderlo para comprarme estas dos. Me quedaria sin disco de extras. Bueno, igual habra que esperar a ver si salen en R4 ya que seguro que estas de amazon no traen subtitulos. Al menos el pack de las prequels si me gustaria tenerlo.

Mi música
No encontré un post de Phantom Menace.

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